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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. G

    NASCAR 14 NASCAR Championship

    The Championship Chase has definitely added a lot of excitement to NASCAR. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the sport, but I'll admit it can be pretty exciting from time to time. Especially when they whittle down the number of drivers to just a handful. Makes things a lot more competitive. I do...
  2. G

    Gran Turismo 6 Adding Another Chaparral To The Stable

    It's a pretty cool looking ride. It's kind of futuristic and a throw back at the same time. I don't think it's the coolest ride in the GT6 stable, though. It'll be a welcome addition though. Always nice to get new rides, especially a Charparral. Are there going to be more additions or is this is it?
  3. G

    Gran Turismo 6 Unveils Subaru Viziv

    I don't think anybody would choose to drive a Subaru if they had their pick of any vehicle. It's just not a very "sexy" ride. That being said, the developers appeared to do a decent job on this. It looks pretty sleak and appealing. Gives the Sabaru a more edgy feel than you might expect. I would...
  4. G

    Everyone Wants to Be Link in Mario Kart 8 Online

    I wouldn't say that "everyone" wants to be Link. That wouldn't be a factually accurate statement. But I think it's fair to say that a lot of people do indeed want to be Link. He's one of the cooler looking characters in the game. The Legend of Zelda is a Nintendo classic. So it doesn't really...
  5. G

    Mercedes Reveals New Mario Kart Trailer

    This is pretty strange to be honest. You wouldn't expect Mercedes to have anything to do with Mario Kart. It's certainly an interesting marketing strategy. Not sure how well your average Mercedes owner will relate to the whole deal though. Anything to get attention though, right?
  6. G

    Only Those Who Own the Mario Kart 8 DLC Tracks Can Race Them Online

    Yeah, this isn't a big surprise. It's been the way Nintendo has done things for a long time. Doesn't necessarily mean it's the best way to do business, though. I don't think it's an unreasonable price to pay for extra features. It's not like they are asking for an arm and a leg. Most folks can...
  7. G

    Car or Bike?

    Definitely prefer the car. You can get to where you want to go faster, and it's fun to kind of mess with people on it. In addition to that you can take a lot more hits without dying in the car. Death comes a lot faster on the bike, it seems.
  8. G

    Does GTA always have the same main character?

    It's a different "bad guy" so to speak in every version of the game. The slate is mostly blank and your kind of create your own history for the guy based on what you do inside the game. It's a pretty cool thing in my opinion. Rather than having some pretentious bad guy with a back story. I like...
  9. G

    What is your favorite PSP game?

    Some may disagree, but I always enjoyed playing Madden on the PSP. Yeah, it doesn't hold a candle to the newer versions, but I spent a lot of time playing it when I was a kid and always had a good time. Despite the small screen size, I thought the game was pretty well produced for the PSP.
  10. G

    Who still has a Game Boy?

    Sadly, I do not still have my Gameboy. I ran that thing into the ground when I was a kid and never replaced it. I would love to play one again someday though. I'm sure I could buy one online. Loved that thing. Even though it's pretty primitive compared to what we have these days.
  11. G

    Will Nintendo ever lose its place as king of portable gaming?

    I don't think Nintendo will lose it's place of supremacy when it comes to portable gaming. In the same way that Apple is the best when it comes to tablets and smart phones, Nintendo is the best in the portable video game market. It is their niche at this point, since Microsoft and Sony have...
  12. G

    Embrace Your Artistic Side With World of Speed Customization Options

    I'll thoroughly unimpressed with this. Definitely doesn't look like it'd be worth going crazy over. Flames? That's it? That's a pretty big let down. Customization options should far exceed this pitiful attempt. Would have been better off not even offering it.
  13. G

    Link Comes With a Sweet Motorcycle in First Mario Kart 8 DLC

    This motorcycle really fits link. Looks like a sweet ride. Can't wait to try it out. Need to see more graphics though. A drawing is one thing, but the graphics and game play are obviously, much, much more important at the end of the day.
  14. G

    Batman: Arkham Knight Out June 2, Batmobile Edition Announced

    Is this thing still on track to being released in June? I can't wait to get my hands on it. It seems like every time I am highly anticipating a game they keep pushing the release date back by months. I certainly hope that's not the case with this one.
  15. G

    The Crew Console Beta Under Way, Plus Season Pass Details

    Yeah, I'm definitely not down with having to buy extra add ons to games. That just turns me off completely. Either release the game fully developed at the full price or don't release at all. Forcing people to buy extra stuff to get the full experience is just bad business.
  16. G

    Batman: Arkham Knight Out June 2, Batmobile Edition Announced

    That batmobile looks SICK! Definitely looking forward to trying this game out at some point. Sure this one is going to sell like crazy when it finally hits the open market.
  17. G

    New Trailer for Mario Kart 8′s B-Dasher

    Haven't played Mario Kart (in any incarnation) in quite a while. While this car is cool, it's not enough to make me really want to purchase the DLC pack. I think they need to really energize the franchise with some cool new features and rides. This is a step in the right direction though.
  18. G

    The Crew’s RPG Customization Options Featured in New Video

    Pretty awesome video. Thanks for posting it man. I think this game is going to be stellar. Graphics are stunning and the choice of vehicles are really cool. Definitely going to look into getting this game for Christmas. I've kind of hit a rut in my gaming and maybe this will capture my interest.
  19. G

    NASCAR 14 Will You Get This Game?

    For the right price, absolutely. It's a fun game that's worth a few bucks. I'm not going to overpay for it though. I really wish they'd put it on the "next generation" systems though. I would like to see a new and vastly improved edition for this game.
  20. G

    What's your favorite thing to do in GTA Online?

    Just playing with my friends. Joking around. I also spend a fair amount of time racing and doing bounty missions. Theres a lot of cool stuff to do online and I enjoy just about every aspect of it. Keeps me entertained when I have a lot of down time.