Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. CelTek

    Overrated mobile games?

    Good call. They've made that game in such a way that it is basically luck if you win or not, and then you only get five "lives". It's a bit of a dirty trick in my mind. There is a firefox plugin that allows you to cheat on flash games, I confess to using it for a couple of especially tricky...
  2. CelTek

    What was the first racing game you remember playing?

    Hah, I remember that. I'm guessing you're around 30 too? I think the first one I remember playing was the one with motorbikes and weapons? I want to say Road Rash. I just checked, and I was indeed thinking of Road Rash. I would have been about eight years old at the time!
  3. CelTek

    What happened to Midnight Club and why isn't a category in the home page?

    I enjoyed Midnight Club, but it's a pretty old game. I remember playing it with my friends about ten years ago.
  4. CelTek

    Overrated mobile games?

    I'm amazed that Angry Birds has made the money it has. It's not even that great a game, but their marketing team is second to none.
  5. CelTek

    What mobile games impressed you with your graphics?

    Riptide GP has some pretty impressive graphics. I still miss Snake though; I had it on a 6110 and ONCE I beat it, I promise. I think the score was around 1600 for filling the screen up. Snake 2 was lame.
  6. CelTek

    Other genres that interest you?

    I really like sims and "tycoon" games. Don't seem to be too many out there that interest me at the moment. I like the look of Prison Architect but it's very expensive for an alpha.
  7. CelTek

    Plants Vs. Zombies 2

    I don't think it is required to buy anything to complete the game, but I agree with others in that I would prefer to pay a couple bucks for the game, as I did with the original, instead of having microtransactions forced upon me.
  8. CelTek

    Best Game Controller For Phones and Tablets

    I use a PlayStation 3 controller with my Nexus 7. I bought it especially for that purpose, and the idea that one day I will get a PS3. I connect it using an app called SixAxis. I also own an xbox 360 controller (no xbox either) for use with my PC, but with the right adapter it plugs into my...
  9. CelTek

    Your Favorite Flash / Browser Games

    I've been "playing" Cookie Clicker recently and I wish I hadn't.
  10. CelTek

    Game that disappointed you the most?

    Apologies for mentioning it again, but that game was overhyped from the beginning. It is the classic example of "development hell". For the same reason I'm thinking Half-life 3 is going to be a disappointment, the internet gets their panties in a bunch with anticipation but in the end...
  11. CelTek

    PC Games That Got You Addicted

    Transport Tycoon is the first game that really got me hooked. My friends and I would have competitions - How much money do you have by year 2050 for instance. That game was at least 15 years ago, and I still pick it up occasionally :) Usually OpenTTD these days though.
  12. CelTek

    First PC racing game you ever played

    Possibly the original Carmageddon? I think I ran it on a PC with 16MB RAM. MB. On a 640MB hard drive. Those were the days :p
  13. CelTek

    Steam's Redesign Of Console Controllers

    It's an interesting idea, and I'd probably be on board with getting one if they aren't too expensive. I sometimes (weekly, maybe?) use my tablet in bed to control my PC. I haven't really ventured into gaming with it, but at least I'm familiar with the "trackpad" idea again. If it's...
  14. CelTek

    Best PC Exclusives Of All Time

    Some games just lend themselves to a mouse and keyboard. I can't imagine playing some games with only a controller. I can't think of many examples at the moment, but what sticks out in my mind right now is games like Command & Conquer.
  15. CelTek

    How old are you and why?

    Just say you're eighteen with ten years experience ;)
  16. CelTek

    Playing PC racing games using a keyboard

    I was like you once.... There is no shame in plugging in a decent controller in to your pc. I know it might feel dirty at the time, but sometimes it just feels right y'know?
  17. CelTek

    Playing PC racing games using a keyboard

    Oh get over yourself :p PCs still have (the potential to have) way more power these days than consoles. Some games just naturally lend themselves to using a controller. Also, it's much more convenient to pass a controller than it is to swap seats ;)
  18. CelTek

    Playing PC racing games using a keyboard

    I've got an xbox 360 controller, it's wired, so it just plugs in to a USB slot. A lot of games seem to natively accept it. With that and TV-OUT (and a damn long HDMI cable) it's almost like I have a console :)
  19. CelTek

    What are your thoughts on this?

    You seem a bit wise for your years. I like you.
  20. CelTek

    How old are you and why?

    I bet you could be 23 if you put your mind to it! Maybe even 24!