Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What are your thoughts on this?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Oh man. Who of you would date (or whatever) a totally ugly, maybe disabled or whatever person with a great character? It has some reason that we only consider those people as potential partners that we are sexually attracted to. Women too even if the looks may not be as important for them as for men.
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Oh man. Who of you would date (or whatever) a totally ugly, maybe disabled or whatever person with a great character? It has some reason that we only consider those people as potential partners that we are sexually attracted to. Women too even if the looks may not be as important as for men.

Dude, you might be getting a bit bent out of shape for no reason. It was just an example. I am sure some people find elephants attractive, especially if they have pink hair.


Dude, you might be getting a bit bent out of shape for no reason. It was just an example. I am sure some people find elephants attractive, especially if they have pink hair.
Did not read something about elephants. It's more my answer to the first posts that state that personality is so important.


You edited out my post/quote about elephants, which was a playful conversation with another member that you took out of context.


I did not even read anything of you, I only read up to the post above your first one. We have the same opinion here anyway.


I don't think it's how rumours get started. What do you think would be the rumour in this case?

I want to start a rumour that Jellyfish is spineless! But that's just a joke.
We're good, I think it was just a misunderstanding.


I believe when you don't keep up and read ALL of the posts in a thread and then jump into a conversation, THAT is how rumors get started.


I believe when you don't keep up and read ALL of the posts in a thread and then jump into a conversation, THAT is how rumors get started.
Not really. I don't have the time and passion to read all the posts of all the threads I chose to click onto. It's not that the last 10 or 15 posts above my first one are of great quality, right?
I believe when you don't keep up and read ALL of the posts in a thread and then jump into a conversation, THAT is how rumors get started.

If the thread has a question, you just answer it. If you don't want to jump into the conversation, then don't. Its simple. I mean banter between 2 posters may not interest the third one, so he has no obligation to be a part of it.

Just my 2 cents.

As for the thread, I am a totally shallow person who is attracted by good looks. A good personality is also necessary but that alone is never enough.


If the thread has a question, you just answer it. If you don't want to jump into the conversation, then don't. Its simple. I mean banter between 2 posters may not interest the third one, so he has no obligation to be a part of it.

Just my 2 cents.

As for the thread, I am a totally shallow person who is attracted by good looks. A good personality is also necessary but that alone is never enough.

You seem a bit wise for your years. I like you.
Nothing in particular. I don't have a 'type'. Having a very similar sense of humour to me always helps a lot. And I tend to prefer dark hair and eyes.


New Member
For me it is personality, and I am not just saying that to sound sweet. If a girl is going out with a different guy every week then in my eyes she is "ugly" but if she has self respect and overall actually cares about the relationship she is in then she is a gem! Just my opinion though. :)


Well-Known Member
I like someone who is witty and amusing. Whenever I talk to people I hate being bored with conversations I have no interest in such as the weather. I like someone who has interests and is able to pursue those interests so we can have something to talk about other than just the weather or other people.