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First PC racing game you ever played

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What is the first game you played on PC?
I'm pretty sure most of older users started with consoles.
Is there any game you feel nostalgic about?
Please share your stories.


My first PC racing game was Drift City by Ijji. It was an alright game, but I enjoyed playing the other games they made such as Soldier Front. The game was too easy and I ended up not playing it for too long.


New Member
My first and most favorite was NFS 3 Hot Pursuit and it was such a popular title back then. It was the boxed title and my first game purchase ever. Me and my brother used to play this one in split screen racing. It's a memorable time period in my life when we were slowly becoming hardcore gamers. Now, it's a long way and I'm playing BF4 in beta! Expecting Rivals to be a great addition to NFS franchise.


New Member
The first PC racing game was called grand prix . At the time this game blew my mind with how realistic it was, and how much detail was involved. I think it was in the days before proper 3d engines and graphics cards tough. You could play a full season as well. So i spent hours glued to my Family PC preventing anyone else from doing anything remotely useful. This game looks dated today but it was the first of the series and an important milestone.


Not a very serious game, but my first one on the PC was Re-Volt, a very fun one where you control RC cars.


I can't remember the first racing game I ever played on PC. I don't know, but I remember that it was a bike racing game. It was called something like 'Road Rage' or 'Road Stash'. Really sorry if it's not correct. It was the frst ever game I played.


Well-Known Member
First PC game I played was Space Pinball which came with any Windows installation back then. Also, I remember having so much fun figuring out Chip's Challenge, and I played that for days. I even wish they'd come up with extra levels for it now just so I could have a reason to play it again, since it's replay value is a little low because once you've figured out each puzzle that's pretty much it.


New Member
The First Racing game I ever played on PC was Need For Speed : Porsche Unleashed/2000. I really enjoyed that game for the fact that it was closer to an actual racing simulator than just an all out road racing game. I still play it from time to time.


That must have been NFS: Hot Pursuit! I don't even remember the exact year I played it in as it was long time ago. Probably it was around 2004/2005! Rofl!


New Member
Well, to be honest my first PC game that I played was NFS, I don't remember the full name because I was too small at that time. The second game that I played on PC was IGI which got me addicted to PC games, mostly the FPS games. I'm really a die hard fan of FPS games ;)


Possibly the original Carmageddon? I think I ran it on a PC with 16MB RAM. MB. On a 640MB hard drive. Those were the days :p


New Member
I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, but it was something were you raced on bikes. Probably released right before the year 2000. I very distinctively remember a track were you raced partly on a beach and at two points you would drive through a pier or something, or a tunnel that was on one side solid wall and the other were support beams.


It was... NFS Underground I think?
It was such an awesome game, it had great gameplay and the customization was good too. EA games did a great job.


The first racing game I have ever played was NFS Porsche back in 2000. That was and still is my favorite racing game and maybe the best one ever made. With a graphic mode patch that game could outmatch any other game on the market today.


New Member
The first PC racing game I played was Need for Speed: Online. I was looking for an MMO about racing for quite some time and I've always been a fan of the Need for Speed series. Sure enough, this game was just as fun as I had imagined it. It's not too old of a game so the graphics are pretty decent I would say. The racing in here feels a bit light though, sometimes you don't feel that kick you get from racing in other games.


For me it was the NFS Most Wanted and am still playing it. I have even read on some posts here people saying that it is the best racing game they have ever played. I also agree with them.