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Minecraft is so over-rated

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Minecraft has a very bad community and has never attracted me. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't like the game at all.


I think it is not fair to say that it is over rated. I think it is not that over rated but some people do not love it because of the much hype it gets.


New Member
It's not. Trust me. In case you have only tried the singleplayer, try playing multiplayer with friends. My favorite mode is hardcore PvP. It gets very intense sometimes and even though many of the players are children, you can find some great people while playing and make an empire together. It's fun.


I don't think Minecraft is over rated, I think it deserves the rating it has received. The game is very addictive and fun to play. Sure, the game is hyped up like crazy but I think all the hype is appropriate because it really is a unique game.


I think Minecraft is not overrated. There are many other games which are overrated but not Minecraft. It is true that a lot of people play it but because it is a solid and interesting game. I think that many people say it is overrated because number of people who play it is huge.
You know, what keeps the players coming to minecraft is the community itself, the whole lots of things you can do in the game, business(like streaming), playing with friends, not to mention it's a known game. As for the gaming itself, it's indeed over rated.


I played Minecraft for a while and I din't play it for too long, it just wasn't the right game for me. For me it feels like the game is overrated because I don't like it so much, but as some before me said, for some it might be overrated and for some it might be not. This goes the same for almost every game that you play, some will love it and some will hate it and will say that it is overrated. It all depends on someones personal preference.
I don't think that it's overrated at all. I have been playing Minecraft for the past few years and never really got bored. Maybe if you play it constantly for 24/7 then after a week it can get boring, but I hardly even find 2 hours to play games during days.


Well-Known Member
Minecraft has a very bad community and has never attracted me. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't like the game at all.
I've never seen the community, but I'm guessing it's probably because they are mostly kids in their own world so they are probably very eager to be in it and to use it. I've seen the love that the fans of these games have and they even make or consume MC related media whenever they are not playing the game. They are such addicts lol.
I didn't like it, but I also don't think it's overrated. Minecraft is a game designed for more creative type of people, the ones who like to build and design their own things and have the artistic ability to carry it out. I'm not that type of person, I don't like creating in games just for the sake of creating, it bores me. It's great for other people though, and I can see the appeal of it even though I don't enjoy it myself.


New Member
It definitely gets repetitive and dull after a while, I agree. It once came to the point where I absolutely couldn't stand the game because of this, although I always seem to revisit it. Trying new things like a new server with friends, a new modpack or just experimenting in general is always good fun. :)


Honestly I don't think MC is overated. The game is good. Some people like it more and some people don't really like the simple concept of the game and it's fine.
I guess some people would have to say that it's over rated. But the game is actually pretty good if you give it a shot. There's a lot of things that you can do, like redstone and building. Plus, there's always some mods out there that can make your experience much better.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't think MC is overated. The game is good. Some people like it more and some people don't really like the simple concept of the game and it's fine.
I agree. I personally never understood the game that much but if so many people are getting addicted to it then there might be something there that I'm just not seeing.


New Member
I remember the first time I got my hands on it, I thought it was cool, but I let it get away from me. Now there's a craze, I wouldn't say it's more over rated than some other things in the world though.


Overrated is incorrect. It can get boring though if you play it too often, like most other games. Playing three times a week for me? Keeps the game fresh and the game play a lot crisper.


I remember the first time I got my hands on it, I thought it was cool, but I let it get away from me. Now there's a craze, I wouldn't say it's more over rated than some other things in the world though.
I agree with you here. It's a really amazing game.No one has done it before, that's why people are behind this game.