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Minecraft is so over-rated

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I'm sorry, but I find Minecraft to be overly over-rated. It's a fun game for a while, but it gets seriously repetitive after a while. May of my friends got me to buy it and I got into it for a couple weeks, but the game drains you man, seriously, I have no interest in building anything anymore in that game.

Do you think minecraft is over-rated?


Overrated? I somewhat agree, however, mods make it more fun again. I found minecraft to be extremely fun for a while when it was in beta. I would play with my friends online a lot, but after tons of hours, it just got boring. While I agree that it's overrated nowadays, it can be fun again if you play with mods with your friends on the same, modded server. Bukkit brings a lot of fun plugins to the plate as well.


Yeah I'm with you on that, I never got into it. I really hate the whole retro-old-school graphics they decided on for that reason alone I just can't take the game seriously. The mods are pretty interesting but I've never got the appeal, those who do like it seem to be pretty hooked on it though.


Active Member
This is all too subjective. I don't play it but I know it has a huge user base, so there has to be something good about it. All this 'over-rated' talk isn't helping anyone.


New Member
I don't think it is. Minecraft is a great game and is extremely unique. A lot of people complain about the graphics, however you can get realistic texture packs. However you need a good computer to run these. I love the game, and anyone can play it :)


I disagree, it isn't overrated. I think the ability to mod in it, play with friends, create your own thing, use plugins to have new game modes and other changes is amazing - I don't hear anyone saying Garry's Mod is overrated (I know its not as famous), and I don't think Minecraft is most famous for its vanilla (Excluding the amazing builds people post once in a while)


I don't think it is. Minecraft is a great game and is extremely unique. A lot of people complain about the graphics, however you can get realistic texture packs. However you need a good computer to run these. I love the game, and anyone can play it :)

I think performance is the main reason they only went with 16x16 textures to start with. By its nature the game is very graphically intensive, I think I only managed to get 32x32 textures running satisfactorily. I have seen videos of people with high res textures and shader mods, that makes the game look pretty amazing. I think you need a real supercomputer though!

I still play it, I used to like the old Tekkit mod with buildcraft. I never did finish my solar panel factory :(
Well it depends on the kind of Minecraft your playing. Thanks to the extensive mods a huge playerbase has made, the sheer amount of mods you can put into it can turn Minecraft into a totally different kind of game. It's sort of like a clean slate that you can morph into any genre nowadays. Almost nobody plays vanilla Minecraft anymore.


There's only a few really good mods for the multitudes out there though. There are some really weird ones out there!


New Member
It depends, it's not for all people, and I'd say is best played multi player on a server. It's difficult to work on colossal projects alone.It's very difficult to build small towns alone but with a team of 6+ you can work on massive cities.


Minecraft is a game that you will get bored of, sometimes right away, sometimes after a few months. When I get bored, I get into mods that make Minecraft much more interesting and fun to play. But, there will be a time that you get bored of Minecraft after all the mods and you need to ease off Minecraft for a while. But I will guarantee it, once you start playing again, it gets to become fun again.


New Member
I wouldn't say it is overrated, perhaps its blocky look at happy atmosphere draws people to it. Also, killing creepers is very enjoyable! Also when ever you get bored of Minecraft you can simply get mods or skins, they will bring the game back to life and make it look fresh in your eyes.


My girlfriend recently got a laptop that was able to run Minecraft, she'd played it on my computer, but my computer is my computer. Since getting her laptop, she loves minecraft. We actually spent all of Saturday playing together on a server I made. I told her that survival would be more fun in the long run, and it was. She went exploring in caves and got really excited when she found gold! She felt lucky!

A few moments later, she fell into lava and lost all her stuff. Including the gold she had just coveted. She had that elation and subsequent frustration. She'd only played in creative mode before, and she did admit that as much as it sucked, she felt the game had more value when she'd found the stuff herself. She lost the diamond pickaxe I gave her too, she was cross about that. I'm a stickler though - I think the game is much more fun without cheating, and it's more fun with more than one person.

My girlfriend respawned happily, crafted a sword, and slayed me mercilessly. I shit you not. She killed me because she was grumpy about falling into lava. She took my stuff, too.
She did give my stuff back eventually, but it made me wonder what kind of monster I had created...


It's not over-rated or anything else. It's an original game created by only one guy. It's so popular because of mods. But I wouldn't say that it's overrated since it's clearly not. I am loving it.



Seriously, get off of this forum if you don't want to discuss and hear other peoples views. The whole, entire point of making threads is to discuss all different things and share your opinion with others.


New Member
I respect your opinion, but have you actually played anything beyond vanilla Minecraft? I get bored so quickly playing vanilla, but on a server with Towny or something installed, or playing with cool mods, it never gets old. There are so many things to do, especially if you find a server with a great community!


Minecraft is a good game to kill some time every once in a while. Personally, I never got too into Minecraft and would rather spend my time playing other PC games.


I don't see it that way at all. I personally love Minecraft, it keeps me entertained for hours on end. This game helps tap into my imaginative side bringing out the little kid in me. I love building stuff and recreating things. It's especially fun if you find games to play with your friends.


Minecraft is a good game to kill some time every once in a while. Personally, I never got too into Minecraft and would rather spend my time playing other PC games.
I was the same. It was a cool game with some great concepts but I could never really stick at it for more than an hour!