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Minecraft is so over-rated

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Well-Known Member
I don't get the appeal, but honestly I've never tried to, and my nephew seems to love it so I wouldn't call it overrated. I think some games do tend to be overrated and over hyped, but I suspect this isn't one of them. It's captured the interest of millions of people and has managed to keep it, and there's something to be said about that.


New Member
Personally, I don't mind the game. After I transformed the entire ground of a few mountains into a giant home fully equipped with a jail and what not, I did get bored though. I didn't know what else to do. It might be different though if I were to login and play with other people. Minecraft keeps my two 5 year old very occupied, so I don't mind at all. Better than them playing GTA! ;) Actually, my son watches Minecraft Family on youtube so much that he teaches me how to do everything. lol


Totally agree, man. Minecraft is boring as hell, I fail to see how people love it so much... and it's not just that they love it, but they think it's the best thing ever.


I also feel like it's over rated.
I mean, people praise the game for being innovative (which it isn't, there's a game with exactly the same concept that was made a few years before MC) and actually think Notch is a good developer.
Not only that but what makes the game shine is its mods and it really shouldn't be like that.


New Member
I don't think Minecraft is overrated. Sure, it's a relatively simple game, but the possibilities of what you can do in the game are HUGE!

If you've become bored of Minecraft but don't want to give it up yet, I'd recommend looking into some mods. There's some really simple mods, and some really complex mods. For example, I think there's a mod called PC mod, which allows you to create whole computer systems, and script them using Lua, within Minecraft!


I think it is overrated as well, although I never got into the multiplayer aspect, I always play the single player survival mode.
Killing people in a game with terrible mechanics and graphics doesn't appeal to me when there are SO MANY games that are designed for this and do it much better.


New Member
I started playing Miencraft when alpha came out it was pretty fun and loved it when the multiplayer came on but I just got bored and fed up with it. Everytime I go on youtube top video is Minecraft filled with those annoying 12 year old kids bitching about the game and the PewDiePie guy who is going famous because of them.


It's only overrated in the sense of maybe adventure mode. I can't stand adventure mode. HOWEVER, I am a super creative person and love to create big mansions in forests and what have you. It's basically my favorite thing for that.


I tried out Minecraft back in Alpha and I never really got into it. It seems like a great game for kids, like an alternative to playing LEGO's or something.
I agree with you. It is still quite a fun game to play. Its over rated I will give you that but its still a game changer. Minecraft changed the way games will be distributed forever.


New Member
I'm sorry, but I find Minecraft to be overly over-rated. It's a fun game for a while, but it gets seriously repetitive after a while. May of my friends got me to buy it and I got into it for a couple weeks, but the game drains you man, seriously, I have no interest in building anything anymore in that game.

Do you think minecraft is over-rated?

Don't be sorry. I know you have upset a few people with this viewpoint but I agree. We are all here to express our opinions at the end of the day. I don't get what all the fuss is about, couldn't get into personally and I have no desire to build anything either .


I tried to play this game because of the hype behind it. But I soon hated myself for trying it. Why do people spend time for creating pixel buildings! I think it is better suitable for young kids. It can be a tool for creative learning for them.


It's not well optimized. It doesn't look that good. It has a simple and repetitive gameplay. I have never liked Minecraft.


I tried to play this game because of the hype behind it. But I soon hated myself for trying it. Why do people spend time for creating pixel buildings! I think it is better suitable for young kids. It can be a tool for creative learning for them.

I agree it can be used as a GREAT learning tool for kids, I think people who like it play in competitive modes, which baffles me because they could be playing something else that was designed for that...


I agree it can be used as a GREAT learning tool for kids, I think people who like it play in competitive modes, which baffles me because they could be playing something else that was designed for that...
How are they playing competitive in Minecraft? Trying to build faster than the other person?


It's a building/exploring sandbox game with a dozen different ways to play. Add in the extremely active modding community, and you get an accessible game where you can dynamically change gameplay on a whim.
It's basically playing with LEGO blocks while fighting monsters and mining for more, rarer LEGO blocks.


It's a building/exploring sandbox game with a dozen different ways to play. Add in the extremely active modding community, and you get an accessible game where you can dynamically change gameplay on a whim.
It's basically playing with LEGO blocks while fighting monsters and mining for more, rarer LEGO blocks.
Reading this makes me wonder about this game :D. I have tried it many months ago and didn't like it. Maybe the game has changed over years.