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Do you think that PCs will ever replace consoles?

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I don't think that PCs will any time soon replace the consoles, because PCs are systems that are being used for something else as gaming. That's why if you want to play the same game as it is on the console you have to invest more money into your PC so that it is good enough to play the game in high resolution. You pay less money for the consoles than for the computer (if you want to play the same games), because consoles are ment just to play games (or mainly to play games) while PCs are an all around system on which you can play games if you wish to do so.
If yu buy a decent PC from the start and invest he money you spend buying a new console every year in upgrading your computer, you'll be more suited than with a console, in my opinion. New consoles are coming out like every year, and games are usually made for the latest console.


If yu buy a decent PC from the start and invest he money you spend buying a new console every year in upgrading your computer, you'll be more suited than with a console, in my opinion. New consoles are coming out like every year, and games are usually made for the latest console.
The typical console cycle is more like five to six years at present. Not quite every year.


I dunno, I don't think computers have really became any easier over time. Well sorry that's not true. They hae in terms of usability and such, but not in terms of customization or building. A computer still needs to be built by hand, or at the very least, ordered and built from a company who will customize your parts for you, and ship the finished product to you.

That ends up costing you more in the short term, but less in the long run. People aren't going to change their minds until consoles become as expensive as a decent gaming PC as a one off purchase.

That is the unfortunate thing, a decent PC you can get for 600-700 bucks, and will cost you less in the long run. There are even some companies charge only about 50 bucks to assemble the thing completely for you, which is even better. Computers are far easier to build now than before, due to the amount of online resources you have on educating you on how to build one. I can easily say that it is only a bit harder to use a PC than a console now, 5 years ago I wouldn't have said that though. (sorry for the late reply)
It might become more dominant, but I don't know if they'll stop making consoles. PCs just have so many options. Many console games have PC ports now, and PC has a ton of free to play options, though we're also seeing consoles trying to take this route.
It might, but sometimes I'd rather use a controller over a keyboard and mouse. I feel like a controller feels a lot better to the touch and a lot easier to carry around throughout the house. But in the end, I'm a fan of both so I don't really care.


It might, but sometimes I'd rather use a controller over a keyboard and mouse. I feel like a controller feels a lot better to the touch and a lot easier to carry around throughout the house. But in the end, I'm a fan of both so I don't really care.
Why would you carry your games throughout the house though? o.o


Well-Known Member
@kaineparker good point. I think console companies will always try their best to keep up especially since Steam has made it so convenient for any PC owner to instantly be able to play games.
That is the unfortunate thing, a decent PC you can get for 600-700 bucks, and will cost you less in the long run. There are even some companies charge only about 50 bucks to assemble the thing completely for you, which is even better. Computers are far easier to build now than before, due to the amount of online resources you have on educating you on how to build one. I can easily say that it is only a bit harder to use a PC than a console now, 5 years ago I wouldn't have said that though. (sorry for the late reply)
Consoles cost the same here when they come out, or not much less, so it's really more worth it to buy a PC, even on short term. Even the cheaper PCs that are not exactly aimed at gaming can run most games in good settings, or at least, equilibrated settings and graphics to consoles.


Uh, no. PC's may have more gaming advantages than consoles, but consoles are there own market. Companies like Sony and Microsoft and more importantly, Nintendo, considering that Sony has their movie entertainment section to back them up and Microsoft has computers, Nintendo relies on their gaming market. Consoles will never be taken over by PC, because of one thing, consoles are made for gaming. PC's are not. Yes, they are more powerful but consoles are there because of one thing, gaming. The console market will not be overtaken by PC's because of that.


New Member
I don't think PCs should replace consoles or vice versa. Consoles are made just for entertainment while PCs aren't restricted in terms of what you can use them for. That being said, it doesn't mean PCs are better, it just comes down to what the user wants. I prefer PCs because I'm a programmer and graphic artist so I also use my PC for work but that's just me, like I've said earlier, it comes down to what you want.
Well yeah, I guess after all they're aiming at different fields. Console companies aim at gaming and entertainment only, while all the PC companies aim at a lot more and gaming is a little part of it, only.


New Member
Computers ARE and will eventually replace all consoles. They really messed up with the Xbox One & PS4. If look back to when the previous versions came out the Xbox 360 & PS3 where a huge upgrade from their predecessors. The graphics were amazing! Everything was just better! There is hardly a difference between the current consoles and the old ones, they are failing to get people interested like they once did.
Computers ARE and will eventually replace all consoles. They really messed up with the Xbox One & PS4. If look back to when the previous versions came out the Xbox 360 & PS3 where a huge upgrade from their predecessors. The graphics were amazing! Everything was just better! There is hardly a difference between the current consoles and the old ones, they are failing to get people interested like they once did.
Probably one of both decided to launch a console too earlier and the other rival brand had to do the same in order to have an updated concurrence, I guess.


Computers ARE and will eventually replace all consoles. They really messed up with the Xbox One & PS4. If look back to when the previous versions came out the Xbox 360 & PS3 where a huge upgrade from their predecessors. The graphics were amazing! Everything was just better! There is hardly a difference between the current consoles and the old ones, they are failing to get people interested like they once did.

I saw a considerable difference between the PS3 and Xbox 360 with the PS4 and the Xbox One. And as a matter of fact, computers are not replacing consoles right now and never will. The base of this point in you point of view is that people are getting disinterested because there wasn't a big difference between the past gen and the "current" gen. Okay, well I am getting sick of the PC fanboys that are always doing this. There is a difference between PC's and consoles, and when it comes to gaming, I will always choose console. Millions of people have bought the PS4 and the Xbox One, so obviously there isn't a disinterest, console exclusives will always beat PC exclusives as well. PC has what? Consoles have amazing exclusives, they have the Halo series, Naughty Dog's series such as Uncharted/The Last of Us, Gears of War, Ratchet and Clank, Infamous, Forza Motorsport, God of War, etc. Consoles will not get replaced by PC anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Computers ARE and will eventually replace all consoles. They really messed up with the Xbox One & PS4. If look back to when the previous versions came out the Xbox 360 & PS3 where a huge upgrade from their predecessors. The graphics were amazing! Everything was just better! There is hardly a difference between the current consoles and the old ones, they are failing to get people interested like they once did.
I honestly was kind of disappointed with how much the graphics plateaued but I'm willing to give it some time and I just hope they at least come up with enough unique games to compensate the lack of a decent upgrade.


Well that's a hard question. I think that both of them are rising equally fast and both of them have a lot of fans who prefer one or another. But still PC industry is still a lot bigger and it will be hard for any other industry to crush them down.