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Do you think that PCs will ever replace consoles?

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New Member
So with Valve's new machine, the Steambox coming out soon, do you think that PC gaming will ever replace consoles? It seems that the biggest benefits towards console gaming is that it's cheaper, easier to assemble, and lets you play on the couch. With a cheap gaming PC that is built out of the box and can be easily hooked up to the TV, console gamers will have access to the perks of PC gaming such as a much larger library and those awesome Steam sales. Do you think that one day, non-handheld consoles will no longer exist?

Never say never I guess. But I think the possibility of consoles becoming obsolete are highly unlikely.
Whilst I agree that PC gaming, is the more affordable option.
Despite the price of consoles and games continuously rising. Sales continue to increase.
Most people I know are avid consoles gamers and would never give up their console in place of a pc.
They bother offer a different gaming experience and I think that is what people pay for the experience, regardless of price it would seem.


As long as there are still casual gamers like me who prefer to feel a controller in their hands and to play on a big screen TV coop with their friends, consoles will never disappear.


New Member
PCs should NOT replace consoles and consoles should NOT replace PCs. Just like music genres don't replace each other. There are just alternatives. That way everybody can have what he wants. Do you prefer playing on a PC? Get a PC. But do you like consoles more? Get a console. Like both? Go for both. Simple as that.


New Member
Too many people enjoy using consoles. So, I'm not really sure if PCs will ever replace consoles. They're also too fun to get rid of lol


No, I don't think it's going to happen, at least in near future. Console will always have it's own place and PC will have it's own. You really can't compare them and say one will take over another. Consoles have their dedicated developers who are adamant on making it successful in the market whereas PC is more like an open-source hardware.


As much as I love PC gaming, it will never be a replacement or substitute for console gaming in the mainstream. Even with the attempt to standardize PC gaming with things like the Steambox, there's still hundreds of different variables a consumer has to consider when purchasing a PC, while with a console, you simply buy a the system and you're good to go until a new one is released.
I think people will always go to consoles because they are more simple to use than PC. Even though the PC is simple to game on, it is still more difficult than putting a disc into a machine and playing it.


In my opinion, PC gaming is a class of its own and has been growing ever since. Pc gaming is the ultimate gaming experience because of all the mods and the adjustments in hardware to achieve different levels of gaming. I prefer to game on a PC over a console any day because a PC can be upgraded to play a new game.
PC gaming is a lot better than consoles in my opinion. You can do the same you do in a console, it's a lot cheaper to upgrade instead of buying the newer console, there are unlimited amounts of pros, and I can't think of a con.


Well-Known Member
@AndreiFL I agree. I think the console will always have a market in people who prefer not to have to think about putting a PC together and prefer having controllers and sitting on a couch, which is why I'm curious to see how the Steambox will do and how it will possibly change the game.
@AndreiFL I agree. I think the console will always have a market in people who prefer not to have to think about putting a PC together and prefer having controllers and sitting on a couch, which is why I'm curious to see how the Steambox will do and how it will possibly change the game.
What do you mean with putting a PC up together? I mean, you can just buy one ready for gaming and it'll probably cost less than a brand new console out of the market. Then, every year, a new console comes out and you have to spend some more hundreds to keep playing newer games.


What do you mean with putting a PC up together? I mean, you can just buy one ready for gaming and it'll probably cost less than a brand new console out of the market. Then, every year, a new console comes out and you have to spend some more hundreds to keep playing newer games.
Buying your computer already made?

That's full on pleb tier.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean with putting a PC up together? I mean, you can just buy one ready for gaming and it'll probably cost less than a brand new console out of the market. Then, every year, a new console comes out and you have to spend some more hundreds to keep playing newer games.
Yes, but from what I understand, one of the most important advantages of using a PC for gaming is the ability to upgrade it as needed, so I'm guessing at some point you'd have to be able to tinker with it. This is just from what I've read though, I'm not really a PC gamer myself.
Yes, but from what I understand, one of the most important advantages of using a PC for gaming is the ability to upgrade it as needed, so I'm guessing at some point you'd have to be able to tinker with it. This is just from what I've read though, I'm not really a PC gamer myself.
Well, he meant buying separate parts and build it. It's cheaper and better, but you have good options already built, and upgrading is really easy. If you don't want to replace the parts and update the software, bring it to a store and they'll do it for you.


PCs will ever replace consoles? PCs have the largest market share already. PCs have already beat consoles in terms of market shares.

Would you rather spend $750 each year buying new consoles or $350 each year buying new components for your PC?
Some consoles are also horribly overpriced.


Nope, at least not in near future. It's not going to happen. Consoles will always have their audience.


Well, he meant buying separate parts and build it. It's cheaper and better, but you have good options already built, and upgrading is really easy. If you don't want to replace the parts and update the software, bring it to a store and they'll do it for you.
I figured he actually meant that you could buy all the parts, but have the company build the computer for you, and ship it to you. Still, you should really build it yourself in my opinion.


I don't think that PCs will any time soon replace the consoles, because PCs are systems that are being used for something else as gaming. That's why if you want to play the same game as it is on the console you have to invest more money into your PC so that it is good enough to play the game in high resolution. You pay less money for the consoles than for the computer (if you want to play the same games), because consoles are ment just to play games (or mainly to play games) while PCs are an all around system on which you can play games if you wish to do so.


As PC's become more and more consumer friendly, they now stand a real chance of taking over consoles, this is the crucial time right now, which will decide whether PC's overtake consoles, or consoles remain a large share of video games. PC's are becoming easier, not quite as plug n play as consoles, but are getting there, while maintaining their routes of customization and upgradability.


As PC's become more and more consumer friendly, they now stand a real chance of taking over consoles, this is the crucial time right now, which will decide whether PC's overtake consoles, or consoles remain a large share of video games. PC's are becoming easier, not quite as plug n play as consoles, but are getting there, while maintaining their routes of customization and upgradability.
I dunno, I don't think computers have really became any easier over time. Well sorry that's not true. They hae in terms of usability and such, but not in terms of customization or building. A computer still needs to be built by hand, or at the very least, ordered and built from a company who will customize your parts for you, and ship the finished product to you.

That ends up costing you more in the short term, but less in the long run. People aren't going to change their minds until consoles become as expensive as a decent gaming PC as a one off purchase.