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Do you think that PCs will ever replace consoles?

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So with Valve's new machine, the Steambox coming out soon, do you think that PC gaming will ever replace consoles? It seems that the biggest benefits towards console gaming is that it's cheaper, easier to assemble, and lets you play on the couch. With a cheap gaming PC that is built out of the box and can be easily hooked up to the TV, console gamers will have access to the perks of PC gaming such as a much larger library and those awesome Steam sales. Do you think that one day, non-handheld consoles will no longer exist?


It's a possibility but.. I doubt it. Current console gaming is so simple to set up. If PC gaming didn't have the driver problems maybe. (i am a pc gamer so im not being bias here) I think drivers and such turn alot of people away.


I think there will always be a market for the plug-and-play gaming that consoles offer, although Steambox will definitely take a chunk out of this market with Steam's massive sales, once people see that quality of games that you can get on Steam for 70% off or more, there is no way they can justify spending full price for console games again.


That's the main thing keeping me away from consoles. Price and accessibility of games. With consoles, the games are more expensive, and when they get cheap enough for me to buy, they stop selling them so I have to get them off places like Amazon. I think that the backward compatibility of PCs is one of the strongest suits, especially with sites like Good Old Games selling ports of games from the 90s.

Ghost Rider

I don't think so. In order for PCs to replace consoles, it should become a lot more simple like the consoles. And if it becomes as simple as the consoles, then it won't be called a PC any longer. Don't you even wonder why Microsoft created the Xbox and not a PC to combat the consoles? Because PCs and consoles are entirely different. One could not replace the other.


It seems like they are becoming more and more similar. Consoles can now do things like browse the web and use Skype, which used to be in the realm of PCs. Perhaps one day, we can have a shared library. I hate exclusives.


New Member
I don't think so. If people want to get started with video games, the first thing they look at is video game consoles, and so that's why, in my opinion, consoles are more popular than PC gaming.

Each type of gaming has its own benefits. For example, I love PC gaming because for most games on PC, there are mods available. One benefit of consoles is that they're easy to setup and get running. You just plug it in to your TV, insert a game and then start playing.

What I'm trying to say is, I think that PC gaming might be intimidating for some people new to video games and so they go with the easier option instead.


Even with the release of the Xbox One and PS4 the hardware inside them were already very much behind PC hardware. That wasn't the case at the launch of the Xbox 360 and PS3, which had cutting edge hardware at the time which could compete with the PCs. PCs today are already "years" ahead in graphical performance and the gap between consoles and PCs is only going to increase in the years ahead.


I think with the release of the steam OS and console like computer cases, there is a bigger chance then ever for console gamers to jump over to PC gaming. Steam OS has given PC gaming a console like feel when you want it, and a full fledged PC when you need it. Cost might be the only factor to steer console gamers away from the PC, but when you consider the amount of money you can save on games with services such as steam the price difference will cancel out.


Well-Known Member
I think consoles are soon going to be obsolete, and PS Now maybe a sign of that. When internet speeds get faster, there might be no more need to download the game and instead just stream them from the company's servers. Granted, it may be a little while before that happens, but when we do switch to streaming, then there would almost be no more need for consoles since you can pretty much stream and play on any device like a tablet or a TV.


Nope. PCs are more complex than consoles and you can't exactly trust a kid to use a gaming PC correctly but maybe I'm not giving them enough credit. Consoles are simply the easiest to set up and use regularly.
I think eventually they will, I mean PCS will replace a lot of things. There are already so many things I do on my PC now. I mean I watch things on my PC, complete tasks on my PC. So I think eventually they will take over and replace the need to have a console.


I think it will not be possible. It is like saying that laptops will ever replace desktops. Every machine has been created to perform their own functions. In my personal opinion, they will never happen.


I doubt consoles will ever cease to exist. It is a booming market and many developers are deciding to release only console exclusives. So PC can't obviously replace consoles in the near future.


New Member
In the near future, no. Most recent games that are currently exclusive to the PC rarely sales, so developers stay away from making PC exclusive games get, and wherever there is cross-platform games, the consoles version sells better. I do think that PC will have a spot on the gaming industry at some point though.
No , I don't think they will. I do think PC's will become a bigger part of gaming though. PC's have many advantages ie the games are much cheaper. The gap between PC gaming and Console gaming will become closer , in my opinion.


Nope I don't think so. They are always going to be side by side in some ways no matter what happens with next gen gaming IMO


Nope I don't think so. They are always going to be side by side in some ways no matter what happens with next gen gaming IMO

It's a bit of an eternal race; new consoles come out and surpass the capabilities of the PC, but the the PC slowly but steadily overtakes the consoles and becomes king for a while, until new consoles come out... then rinse and repeat :)