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Your thoughts on the "more graphic" sex scenes?

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My nine year old has played several of the older GTA games. Yes, I realize it is not meant for kids. He has never come across the sex scenes in the older games. But they were never quite like this in the past. I know they are fully dressed, but it's pretty obvious what is going on. But if you had any doubts the hooker makes it pretty clear by what she says!


I don't really care. I guess it's because I don't have any kids to worry about seeing the stuff. I also search for much more graphic sex scenes for enjoyment. I don't think anything is really out of line as long as you answer any questions your child has. You don't want a call from the school about reenacting or repeating anything that he heard or saw. Just the thoughts of a childless college kid.


My nine year old has played several of the older GTA games. Yes, I realize it is not meant for kids. He has never come across the sex scenes in the older games. But they were never quite like this in the past. I know they are fully dressed, but it's pretty obvious what is going on. But if you had any doubts the hooker makes it pretty clear by what she says!
GTA is just not for children bottom line, but in the end its all up to the parents, if the game says mature, there is a reason. I would have to wait until my boys are almost teenagers to allow them to play games like GTA in my house.


Active Member
There's nothing wrong with sex, and human beings have been having sex for thousands of years. If a game isn't designed for children, then parents are making a poor judgment call in letting their children play these games. It's as simple as that.


New Member
There's nothing wrong with sex, and human beings have been having sex for thousands of years. If a game isn't designed for children, then parents are making a poor judgment call in letting their children play these games. It's as simple as that.

Yes, I totally agree with you. We all do it, yet we see it as a taboo if it ever goes public like in games or movies. I just think it's not suitable for a kid to see a sex scene. I wouldn't let my 14 year old brother touch this game or any other GTA game until he is at least 18.


I don't think that this is something that shouldn't be allowed in a game, because this is all natural. I don't see why they shouldn't find out about sex until they're 18, sex is part of their life, if you want it or not. I don't see any reason why to keep the children away from finding about it or seeing scenes of it.
So long as you tell your kid that you would prefer them to either: do that when they're a bit more emotional ready and what it is or to simply wait period, this shouldn't be a problem.

(If this next part doesn't apply to you, OP, you have nothing to worry about.)

I'm personally just tired of parents that are like: "THIS GAME HAS GRAPHIC CUTSCENES IN IT! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"
1. It's not meant for kids.
2. Where were you when they found and played this game.
3. How did they get it?
4. Monitor your kids and stop leaving it up to society and the gaming company to raise them.

Also, it's like what other people said, we got here with sex. If you think otherwise, please...never reproduce.


New Member
The game was developed for mature older players so I think the more graphic scenes are appropriate
There is one thing I never got when it came to topics like these, though. Why is it that people are more so accepting of violence in any media instead of sexual themes? Adults try to block out anything sexual from being talked about, even if you're an adult yourself! The mind frame of people continues to boggle me.


Eh, if you've seen porn its just whatever, their attempt to try and tell a more realistic story within their games. I don't see it as a problem, would I let my kid play it if i had one? depends on the age but for the most part I probably wouldn't care.
The rest of the themes in the game are for an older audience, so the nudity should be as well. I have no problem with it and if you do, you are playing the wrong games.


Violence, Inappropriate scenes and etc. that's the reason this game was made for adults and not for children. The target is Adult or Mature audiences only not for children.


Well, I do think it's a little classless and everything, something being natural and acceptable and whatever else doesn't really mean that it needs to be on a game...but that's another story. As you said yourself, you're quite aware that it's not for children. My son has expressed interest in the game but I've been encouraging him to focus on more age appropriate games instead, you can't always be sure what his friends will be doing or allowed to do at their house, but you can control what you encourage and allow him to be exposed to.


Well-Known Member
I have a ten year old nephew who has been playing GTA from when he was very young and we always guided him especially when it came to GTA 4 where you can already hang out at strip clubs and we always just guided him and advised him that it wasn't very age appropriate. We trust him though so we just let him play this latest one and he knows what not to do anyway and he also knows he could just come to us if he has any questions. I don't think these elements are too worrying as long as we are here to guide him and these types of scenes are in everywhere now anyway.


I have a ten year old nephew who has been playing GTA from when he was very young and we always guided him especially when it came to GTA 4 where you can already hang out at strip clubs and we always just guided him and advised him that it wasn't very age appropriate. We trust him though so we just let him play this latest one and he knows what not to do anyway and he also knows he could just come to us if he has any questions. I don't think these elements are too worrying as long as we are here to guide him and these types of scenes are in everywhere now anyway.

The fact that they're so prevalent doesn't make it okay, though. I think it's really sad when kids start playing these kinds of games young and are encouraged to take part in the kind of culture that just shrugs it's shoulders and says oh well, it's everywhere anyway, if you can't beat 'em... you know?


Active Member
I wouldn't let any kid below the age of 16 play this game, but that's just my opinion perhaps. I would much rather he play other games also deemed for a more mature audience, without the sex and drug references.


Well-Known Member
The fact that they're so prevalent doesn't make it okay, though. I think it's really sad when kids start playing these kinds of games young and are encouraged to take part in the kind of culture that just shrugs it's shoulders and says oh well, it's everywhere anyway, if you can't beat 'em... you know?
That's true, but I just see it more like the type of media or the environment shouldn't really matter as much as long as they feel loved and they are properly guided. We can't change the way the world works but we can control how we raise kids.


The game has a +18 rating for a reason, it's up to the parents to not let their kids play it, we can't be removing parts of the game for everyone just because some random idiot lets their 9 year old play whatever he wants.
For me, I don't really care for the sex scenes. They were cool at first, and then OK after a few times, then it's just wasted space. Not to be funny, but that's why my cable bill has the adult tier plan added in. And, as far as it goes with kids... our oldest is almost 25 so no issue their. I do remember a game when they were younger that had a race girl dropping a flag and her cartoon boobs were just about to pop out. My wife didn't like the boys seeing that in a game.


That's true, but I just see it more like the type of media or the environment shouldn't really matter as much as long as they feel loved and they are properly guided. We can't change the way the world works but we can control how we raise kids.

Yes, to an extent. I suppose we'll agree to disagree on this one, but I do see where you're coming from.