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Your thoughts on the "more graphic" sex scenes?

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For me, I don't really care for the sex scenes. They were cool at first, and then OK after a few times, then it's just wasted space. Not to be funny, but that's why my cable bill has the adult tier plan added in. And, as far as it goes with kids... our oldest is almost 25 so no issue their. I do remember a game when they were younger that had a race girl dropping a flag and her cartoon boobs were just about to pop out. My wife didn't like the boys seeing that in a game.

That too! It's just so unnecessary :/ but either way, definitely not kid friendly- it has its rating for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Yes, to an extent. I suppose we'll agree to disagree on this one, but I do see where you're coming from.
Thanks for the civil discussion as it is a very interesting topic for me as well and like you I also see the points in what you're saying. We do really need to stop giving in so much to the status quo, I agree.


Thanks for the civil discussion as it is a very interesting topic for me as well and like you I also see the points in what you're saying. We do really need to stop giving in so much to the status quo, I agree.

Thank you as well, I'm always happy to have a civil discussion or debate with people, even if we are polar opposites on an opinion. It's good to talk to people who challenge your point of view :).


Honestly I will tell you that I really do not think that a nine year old should really be playing a video game like this because I think that his mind is just too young to deal with some of the things that I have had to witness in that game and I think that the keep away from them. I only play the game when I am alone but if my niece or nephew are over at mu house I really try to refrain from playing the game because I just think that it is not for kids period.


GTA 5 is a fair enough depiction of what really happens in the world with a few exagerations here and their. It is the responsibility of adults to teach children what is the acceptable way regarding sex. No parent can be so vigilant to know what takes place in the life of a child 24 hours per day seven days per week. You teach them and create and environment of trust and communication that when something seems like a deviation from the norm they are more than happy to tell you about it so meaning ful discussion can take place and resolutions can be made.


First of all how can a nine year old play the other GTA games? Also, if he did and you bought them for him then you approved of the content that would be showed. I'm pretty sure that since San Andreas you had it so that you can pick up prostitutes. If that didn't scream out "I don't want my kids playing this" then I don't know what will. You can't get the game for you kid and the complain bout the content.


First of all how can a nine year old play the other GTA games? Also, if he did and you bought them for him then you approved of the content that would be showed. I'm pretty sure that since San Andreas you had it so that you can pick up prostitutes. If that didn't scream out "I don't want my kids playing this" then I don't know what will. You can't get the game for you kid and the complain bout the content.

I believe that parent's genuinely don't know what they are buying for their kids, but they need to at least know what having a 18+ rating means and take a hint from there.
Ultimately they are responsible because they buy it for their kids, would they buy a porn movie just because the kid asked for it?

Miles Hansen

New Member
There are parental guidelines on the box if you buy GTA for any system, and even if you buy for the PC the steam page very clearly states that this is an 18+ game. It shouldn't be restricted simply because some kids might stumble upon it; this is clearly a game for grown ups and it should be treated as such.
There is nothing wrong with human sexuality, and if you don't wish to experience sex scenes when gaming, GTA is definitely not the series for you, and that doesn't take massive amounts of research to figure out.


I've had a second thought. Shouldn't you be more concerned about the gratuitous killings? I hadn't considered it. Sex is no big deal if you talk about it. But how do you explain the murder rate in Los Santos being through the roof.


I have no problem with the sex scenes since it is a mature rated game. They shouldn't have to censor the whole game just because a few adults insist on giving it to their children to play.


I've had a second thought. Shouldn't you be more concerned about the gratuitous killings? I hadn't considered it. Sex is no big deal if you talk about it. But how do you explain the murder rate in Los Santos being through the roof.
Agreed, I don't get why people are only worried about sexual content. So if the game had no sex, they would let an 8 year old watch Trevor Phillips torture a guy.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
Well, I don't really pick up hookers in GTA V, seeing as I don't really see the the point in doing so - it gives you no added benefit when you pick up a prostitute in-game. Of course I've tried taking a hooker once or twice, but I didn't think much of the sex or graphic scenes that are shown on it, I guess I'm just not one to be disturbed by scenes like that. But I don't think nine year olds have any business playing a game such as Grand Theft Auto. Maybe they should play GTA at ages 11-12 if they're mature but if they're younger than that, you should make sure that they steer clear of the strip clubs, prostitutes, etc.


Well, I don't really pick up hookers in GTA V, seeing as I don't really see the the point in doing so - it gives you no added benefit when you pick up a prostitute in-game. Of course I've tried taking a hooker once or twice, but I didn't think much of the sex or graphic scenes that are shown on it, I guess I'm just not one to be disturbed by scenes like that. But I don't think nine year olds have any business playing a game such as Grand Theft Auto. Maybe they should play GTA at ages 11-12 if they're mature but if they're younger than that, you should make sure that they steer clear of the strip clubs, prostitutes, etc.
You can't really make a kid steer clear of the strip clubs. I babysat 3 boys who were allowed by their mom to play GTA 4 and she told me to keep them out of the strip club. But they knew exactly what to do to make two girls dance together. The internet is full of walkthroughs. Kids will find a way so it's best to not let them play the game at all if you have a problem with the strip club.