Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Will we see a port of this for the 360 or PS3?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
It's a shame too, because it's actually one of my favorite games in the entire series, maybe even my ultimate favorite. Something about the storyline just really grips me, and I would have loved to see how the modding community would have handled it were it on PC. I have heard they're recreating it via a mod to another GTA PC game, but I haven't heard much about it.


New Member
While an HD port would be nice, I just don't see it happening. The game's too old at this point and I don't think Rockstar wants to spend any time remastering it. Best to just get the PS2 Classics version and enjoy it that way.


No, I don't think so. Not with the PS4 and XBox One being out, and you'd be lucky if Rockstar even considers making a port on those consoles. Let's just see what Rockstar has in store next.
I really don't think so. At least not right now. I think they are more focused on the PS4 platform. It would be nice to see a port though, I'd love to play it on my PS3.


New Member
Maybe for mobile when Rockstar is finished with V and is able to focus on other SKUs and content. I am sure they want to refresh and bring out the rest of their back catalog especially the titles that were primaly on PSP that not that many people had a chance to play. I know the games were released on the PS2 later but that was when the console's lifespan was already over and most players had moved on to the next-gen consoles and were anticipating IV.

It's a shame too because these games show off and expand alot of the stories from the main games in the series. I expect an Android/iOS release but I don't think it will be anytime soon to be honest.


New Member
I doubt there'll be a last gen port of it, considering they've already put it on the PSP and PS2. If anything, there'll be a remake of Vice City itself but I doubt it'll be a port or storyline from VCS. Perhaps as a mobile port to Android and iOS, but not home consoles.