Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Will we see a port of this for the 360 or PS3?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Now I don't know if any of these are out on the Playstation Network (don't have a PS3) but I do know the vice city stories aren't available for the Xbox 360. I would honestly love to see these included on the arcade platform with HD graphics or even the On Demand titles. I know you can get San Andreas for the 360, you really have to hunt for it though because it's hard to find, but I'd like all titles to be put on the platform.

What do you guys think?


New Member
I wish Rockstar would make a HD version for all the last 5 games and put it in the one boxset. It'd be amazing! I know a lot of people that would buy it, but I guess they're too caught up with GTA V at the moment.


New Member
I can't see them doing it anytime soon. Like Spotter pointed out, they are far too busy with GTA V right now. Maybe once the game is out for a while they can focus on "refurbishing" older versions of the series.

Mr. Bellic

New Member
I don't see Rockstar ever doing this. It just seems like it's a waste of time for them. If they would of done a HD set, they would have done it already. I think they want to keep those games in the past or set for downloadable games. I know SA can be downloaded as its original self on the 360. They could easily port them to the arcade and PSN platforms. I don't expect them to update the graphics.


New Member
Considering the Xbox One and PS4 are coming out soon, this would make little sense for them to do this. Im sure they are putting alot of their resources and time into GTA V, and aren't considering adding ports for the 360 or PS3.


New Member
I wish Rockstar would make a HD version for all the last 5 games and put it in the one boxset. It'd be amazing! I know a lot of people that would buy it, but I guess they're too caught up with GTA V at the moment.

I agree with you, but sadly I don't see a port coming out for neither system if they were going to make a port they would have done it by now it would now be a waste of time since soon next gen should be coming out.


New Member
I wish Rockstar would make a HD version for all the last 5 games and put it in the one boxset. It'd be amazing! I know a lot of people that would buy it, but I guess they're too caught up with GTA V at the moment.

Yes! Finally someone that has the same idea as me. I really hope that they make all these games HD. It will be so amazing.


I doubt it, unless people let Rockstar know that there's demand for them. I could see Rockstar releasing the 3D Generation of GTA in HD if they saw that there was enough demand for it.


I doubt it man, this game is just too old and too obscure. I don't think the demand is even there if Rockstar even offered. They had a window of opportunity and they missed it by a few years.


I'd love to see something like that but the chances are low.
I think Rockstar should make a bundle with all the the games running on the 3D engine and sell it. I'm sure a lot of people would buy it and would help to introduce the game to more people.


New Member
Port for PS3 was already released on the PlayStation Network. I don't think it will ever make it to the 360 though, since it began as a Sony exclusive title in the first place.


Obviously Sony will port it to the PS3 and probably their handheld systems. There is zero chance that Xbox will see this game on their platform. Sony would rather port it to the PS1 than the Xbox.
if rockstar put all the games and sold them in a boxset i guarantee everyone would buy them, but they have spent all their resources on gta 5 so i guess we'll have to see what the future has in store for us


New Member
Porting over games haven't been the best on Xbox 360 as of late, it looks so blurry, because the added pixel density is unaccounted for.
I really doubt that Rockstar will be releasing GTA on all the platforms. But I really think that they should. It'll benefit them a lot in terms of sales because the game consoles are getting really popular now. If they advanced to satisfy the players of these consoles, then they'll definitely see a rise in their revenue.


New Member
I can't see that Rockstar would ever remake this game for other platforms. While I'd love to see a remake of some of the previous GTA titles, I'm not sure how profitable that decision would be for Rockstar. If they do decide to port the games, I'd rather see it on the new consoles rather than the old Xbox 360/PS3.


I don't think Rockstar games will ever port this game to the newer consoles unless there is some great consumer demand. I would love to see them port it on Android though because they have done GTA 3 and San Andreas so I would love to get Vice city stories on my Android phone.


New Member
I dont think they will ever port it as Rockstar might see it as a waste of time as they dont know how many people would buy it.
I would like it to be ported though but i really doubt it which is sad.


Don't think so, it's been too long for a port to happen, but if it did then that would be damn badass! imagine playing vice city stories on your PS4, in HD. I would buy that game for everyone..