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Why choose a console over a PC?

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It's cheaper, easier to set up and play and has better exclusive games. Consoles are great to play and it's just a good and casual way to get into gaming. PC's are more competitive and offer more benefits but also more options to get your gaming into a new level. Graphics, frame rate and the way you play can be all changed if you play on the PC platform. Consoles are great because they offer more games, better exclusive games than PC in my opinion.


Well, sometimes games run very smoothly on consoles and also some games were exclusive to the consoles too.


One of the big reasons are the exclusives that consoles tend to get. Though, there are great PC games which are solely on PC and are ported to consoles. The exclusives are the only real reason to own a console at this point.


Well-Known Member
One of the big reasons are the exclusives that consoles tend to get. Though, there are great PC games which are solely on PC and are ported to consoles. The exclusives are the only real reason to own a console at this point.
Very true. I think if there were a console exclusive I really liked I wouldn't be able to help myself. Thankfully these days most of the games I like are multiplatforms.


To me I don't see a reason to use the console over the PC besides the fact that some games are not available for the PC.
Honestly, it's just more convenient, especially since I move around a lot and don't want to be hauling a desktop every time I need to go somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it's just more convenient, especially since I move around a lot and don't want to be hauling a desktop every time I need to go somewhere.
This is mostly why I prefer consoles as well, aside from being used to it and for the exclusives. I move my console around a lot too so it's a much better choice for me.


Active Member
I would never choose a console over a PC, it's a pretty big difference. I have a pretty good laptop that is able to play current AAA titles at Ultra on 60fps, so I'm fine with that.


Well-Known Member
I would never choose a console over a PC, it's a pretty big difference. I have a pretty good laptop that is able to play current AAA titles at Ultra on 60fps, so I'm fine with that.
I'd actually prefer having a gaming laptop to a console as well if only just for the portability. I think it's pretty neat to be able to take your games with you and since I do my work on a laptop it can serve as double duty for me. Unfortunately gaming laptops are usually a lot more expensive.


It's supossedly easier to set up, but nowadays consoles have a load of bullcrap to deal with so it's not that far from PC anyway hahaha. Constant updates at the worst of times, paying for online, things like that...

But the exclusives, man! Exclusives!


Well-Known Member
It's supossedly easier to set up, but nowadays consoles have a load of bullcrap to deal with so it's not that far from PC anyway hahaha. Constant updates at the worst of times, paying for online, things like that...

But the exclusives, man! Exclusives!
Yeah the line between the two have gotten a lot less defined in the past years. I think the main difference at this point would just be graphics quality potential.


I don't know maybe it has to do with the reality that pc gaming can require some pretty expensive upgrades in order to keep it running smooth. I have heard some gamers say that they prefer consoles for this reason along with guaranteed smooth game play. As far as I'm concerned I could do either or the other. I was once a Mugen guy if you guys are familiar with that game engine :D
Convenience for the most part, and there's more exclusives I like as well. At the end of the day people shoulc choose what they want and not need to explain themselves to PC master race types.


If you think carefully. You can see that some of the time PC seems to be lot better option. And there seems to be console benefits out of them. And so you can see that it'd be reasonable to think on that terms.


My reason why I prefer using console sometimes is Consoles are easy to carry and very convenient for me. I can play anywhere I want. Unlike in Pc, I can't adjust the position in what and where I want to play because of a lot of chords involved or attached on it.


One thing i love about consoles is power. Unlike PC's, console has dedicated power both graphics and driving which gives a game the highest quality. Also it's more likely to have a smoother game using console given that you don't have any problem on your storage.


I think the grreatest reason why many people could prefer to use consoles is the fact that they are portable.
It's a tricky question actually because a pc is in many ways different from a console. If I was to play the hole day and I want instant gratification I'd probably go for a console where the games a loaded fast. But games aren't the only things I do and I need to work on my pc too where incidentally there are games too. In my case I think I'll get both.
I'd like to try our new 43 inch smart tv for the games. I'll probably try the racing car first, Grand Turismo of the PS 1/2 flick and see how it'll make a difference. Big is sometimes the best but they say it consumes a lot of space and power too.