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Why choose a console over a PC?

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Well-Known Member
Console games allow me be lazy and lay on my couch, play and eat. lol
Haha same here. I love not having to worry about parts or anything else really. Consoles just have everything tied up in a neat little package and you can just sit down and press buttons to navigate.


I choose console over PC because of the controls. It is so much easier to control movement on a console. I sometimes plug my xbox controller into my PC to playing flying simulator games. It's just easier to handle.
There are many reasons to choose a console over a pc, and I have both. Consoles have exclusives and the ability to use controllers. I know you can use a controller on pc too but some of the special functions are just for console, especially next gen. Friends is another reason to choose a console over pc, you don't want to get a pc and have nobody to play with. The last reason is space, a console takes up significantly less space than a pc so you can put it in more places.


Active Member
I prefer to use my computer for work only and consoles are my entertainment machines.

This is a great answer, and that's how it is for a lot of people. It's always smart to have some separation between work and play, even if that just means gaming only on a console.


This is a great answer, and that's how it is for a lot of people. It's always smart to have some separation between work and play, even if that just means gaming only on a console.
Exactly. Besides, it's not like I'm gaming on only one console. I still have choices and I appreciate that I can still choose one that's to my liking. It's not just "You have to choose console or PC or don't play video games at all." You have a variety of choices within those choices.


Okay guys, we're here at the age old question again - Conlose or PC? A lot of PC people are wondering why gamers choose to play on a console when the PC is a very strong device which would be able to play games at higher resolutions than consoles could ever achieve. What reasons do you guys have in choosing a console over a PC?
I do way more important things on my PC than gaming, if I could get a super size PC just for gaming that would be nice, but that would probably cost way to much. Gaming on my personal PC would be putting my ram into overdrive, not worth it.


The console has controls and is specifically designed for gaming. PC has a lot of other functions. While you can design a PC specifically for gaming and have the same or better experience versus a console, I think monetary wise it just makes more sense to play on a console.


New Member
Although there are some benefits that console have over PC, I am all for the PC master race because of its
1) Customization options
2) FREE and expansive multiplayer (64 v 64 Battlefield 4)
3) Superior graphics

I never got used to the consoles' controllers, but I guess you can say the same about getting used to the keyboard. Because I pretty much only play Battlefield 4, League of Legends on the PC, graphics is pretty important and I can effortlessly play these games and get the full experience out of it.


Well-Known Member
Actually I have a Wii but I hardly play it anymore. I need some adult games.
The Wii is good every once in a while whenever you get tired of all the other games but as a main staple I don't find it too compelling. That's just my opinion though since I never was a fan of cute games to begin with anyway but they are alright for me in short bursts.


To me I just think that it is a lot easier and cheaper to get a console but that is just me. Another thing is most of the time the games are released on the consoles first before they make it to the PC so to me it would be better to just get the console and make it easier on myself.


New Member
After getting wrecked on BF4 for PC, I think it's best for me to stay with my roots and go back to console. Don't get me wrong, PC is really fun, but I couldn't get used to it. I like simplicity.


Well-Known Member
Actually I have a Wii but I hardly play it anymore. I need some adult games.
Same here. I have a Wii but it was only entertaining for me for a while. It's a great console for when you have friends around but when I'm alone and playing games I prefer to play some intense single player games.
I personally prefer console mainly because of the graphics. I mean, the graphics card in the console is pretty much set. All the games released will be optimized for THAT specific video card. But for PC, game developers constantly upgrade and upgrade, and you have to keep buying video cards just to keep up with the latest graphics. It's pretty costly if you think about it.


Well-Known Member
I choose console over PC because of the controls. It is so much easier to control movement on a console. I sometimes plug my xbox controller into my PC to playing flying simulator games. It's just easier to handle.
I'm much more comfortable with a controller as well. I play on mouse and keyboard from time to time and it's alright but I find it's only comfortable for me when it comes to certain genres while a controller is much easier for me for everything else.


I am a PC player and I have been ever since I got my first one, thirteen years ago, when I was only six years old. I immediately fell in love with it, and it quickly became a hobby of mine. Playing games and even collecting them. I love my PC, and PC gaming in general, because they can run games with much nicer graphics AND, most importantly, 60 or even higher frame-rates. Consoles can't do this, as far as I know, and especially the old gen consoles. They were stuck at 720p 30 fps, while I have been playing in 1080p for 6 years.

However, I do understand the charm of a console. I would buy a console only if I had a lot of spare money. Why would I buy it instead of upgrade my PC? Because I always kind of wanted to own a console, to play with friends from my couch. You can't do that with a PC. Other than that, everything is better on a PC.


Consoles will usually have platform exclusives that do not come out on PC. It may be possible to emulate some of the older platform exclusives on emulators, but that is not always the case.