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Which is the best Game series that you have played?

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ray king

I am always fond of games that have a good story, and then there is a sequel for you to play. My favorite game series is The Assassins Creed franchise, and I hope to be playing Assassins Creed Unity soon, when it comes out in November 2014. What is your favorite game series, that you can't resist playing.



One of the best game series that I have played so far was probably the GTA series. I play GTA since the Vice City release and I enjoy every bit of it. I've owned every single release this far and I don't think that it was wasted money or wasted time playing this games. I enjoy playing the Assassin's Creed games too and the gaming world would definetely be worse off without it, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
GTA gets my vote as well. They've been the most consistent and they really put effort into their games. I think most developers try to make shortcuts but they always come out with a well rounded product, and I applaud Rockstar for their diligence, creativity, and integrity.


Thats a very hard question. I enjoyed a lot of games greatly, but my favorite is probably Portal 2.
Just gonna pop in and say Portal as well.

I loved GTA and other franchises like Borderlands, but Portal did something that has never been done before. :)


I am always fond of games that have a good story, and then there is a sequel for you to play. My favorite game series is The Assassins Creed franchise, and I hope to be playing Assassins Creed Unity soon, when it comes out in November 2014. What is your favorite game series, that you can't resist playing.

Don't know if I would call it a series, but I like the NBA 2k games. Everyone keeps getting better, but I can also play the older 2k games as well.
The best game series I have played are the Sims especially Sims 2 and Sims Medieval and probably GTA especially GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City (those by now old versions) and those game series are in my opinion the best ones out there. Anybody who didn't play them, it's a must to try them out and you will with no time get addicted to them.


The Walking Dead by Telltale games. It's amazing how the characters developed in the game especially Clementine. For me, this game is a masterpiece.
I think the GTA series was pretty good. A lot of people would probably agree with this statement too. For some reason I find it pretty fun to be stealing cars and running around with them in the game!


Well-Known Member
The Walking Dead by Telltale games. It's amazing how the characters developed in the game especially Clementine. For me, this game is a masterpiece.
I initially didn't get what people for out of these games but after seeing my cousin play through it I could tell the developers put in a lot of effort into it and it does seem like the product is good. I still don't like those type of games but I could now understand why people like them.


New Member
Definitely Mass Effect series for me. The characters, the story, the immersive atmosphere. It's just ... amazing.

I have a question about The Walking Dead - Am I supposed to read/watch something before I play the game? I am quite the "story nerd" and I want to be sure not to miss out anything haha.


Uncharted gets my vote. They are one of the most consistent game series out there, with each new addition just getting better and better. Some people may argue that Uncharted 3 was worse than Uncharted 2, and to some extent I do agree with that but that being said, both games are amazing and the 4th is just waiting to get released while bringing in even more good reviews. Hopefully they can end Nathan Drake's legacy in an epic and glorious way.


GTA series are one of the best games I played. I also like Kingdom Hearts Series too but the story kinda confusing because you really need to play the other installments like on the Gameboy and PSP.


Well-Known Member
GTA series are one of the best games I played. I also like Kingdom Hearts Series too but the story kinda confusing because you really need to play the other installments like on the Gameboy and PSP.
My friend got very addicted to this. I never understood it myself since I don't enjoy classic Disney characters but I think it plays like final fantasy which I totally understand.


Active Member
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Active Member
I'd have to say the whole Prince of Persia franchise, I hate that they stopped with the 6th one. I've been playing the games since I was a kid, I loved the story!


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say the whole Prince of Persia franchise, I hate that they stopped with the 6th one. I've been playing the games since I was a kid, I loved the story!
I've forgotten about this game. But yes, you're right it really is one of the best as it is very well made. I only got to play some of the later versions though and I never got to finish them but I did enjoy myself in the short time I got to play them.

Ryan Allwright

New Member
I have always been a Call of Duty fan simply for the Multiplayer. The game is full of action and fast-paced shooting that I loved throughout the years. As of lately I've found the series to slightly diminish due to them making it too far into the future and all the boost jumping etc.


GTA is the best for me. The amount of time and money invested in this series is remarkable for me. I still to this day never get tired of playing it and even pull out some of my old hardware and replay GTA 3 and Vice City.