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Which is the best Game series that you have played?

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Well I never got into Assassins Creed that much, but I can certainly see why people like it so much. When it comes to series I would have to say Halo has been my one that is steady throughout the years, although GTA has to be up there too. All time I would have to say the Zelda games though, but those are really in a different light. Interesting stuff, and thanks for sharing.
I like Mass Effect. Because of its characters, music, space races, story, combat... Literally everything. I've beaten the game 3 or times I am not sure, and I could beat it for another 3. I also liked Assassin's Creed, but haven't played after the second one anymore. It kinda got repetitive.

D Lee

New Member
GTA and Assassin's Creed have always been my bread and butter..ever since I can recall. Glad to see a few others with the same kinda taste/interest in these two too..


I think GTA, Alien, Farcy and COD are good series. And another thing is that those are some really good games. I think on the thing is that game series are fun. I'd say that game series such as that can be fun to play on recurring new releases too. So it's some of my favorites.


This is a hard one, I mean there is a lot of them out right now it's so difficult to decide. Top of the head, I'll have to go with the Final Fantasy series.


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