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PC gaming dead?

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PC gaming is not dead but the adoption is just slow. These days people prefer to buy consoles which are much optimized for gaming rather than PCs. I also think playing on a console is much easier than playing on a PC.
I agree , pc gaming isn't dead. I wish people would stop saying that sort of thing. Its just annoying. PC gaming is only getting more popular.


Console gaming is now more dead than PC gaming. There aren't a lot of exclusives and we might have to wait at least a year to see games that are 9/10.


I have said it before and I will say it again.

PC gaming is not in danger. PC gaming is the danger.
Ha ha, sick reference, bro! But I'd rather say that Console Gaming is the danger, since it can ruin the entire video games industry with its limitations.


New Member
Dead? I don't think so. I agree that some games are much better when played on a console, but there is still a lot of potential in PC gaming, especially when it's about multiplayer.


Well-Known Member
I think PC gaming is more alive than ever these days. It's certainly much easier to access games now with the birth of Steam and other similar services, and seeing as everyone with a decent laptop could most likely play at least some of those games, I think it's more popular than we all give it credit for.


Yeah it's pretty much dead. They don't release games for anymore, do they? I am not even going to bother answering the same mundane query that has been asked around the web for like last couple of years.


I don't think that the PC gaming will ever die out. There are many things that you can do better with the PC and that you can't do with the consoles. I think that the main part of my statement is that the PCs use keyboard and a mouse, therefore I think that the shooting games on the PC are far more superior from the console shooting games. You can also upgrade your PC part per part and never spend a really high amount of money on upgrading it to play any new game. With the consoles on the other hand, you always have to buy a new console just to play a new game that came out for the new console and not for the old one you currently own. There will always be people that are going to use PC over the consoles, because they think the PCs are far more superior than the consoles.


Your question is very funny. It is like asking if desktop computer usage is dead. The day that PC gaming dies is the day when gaming dies full stop. Computer games is the driving force for gaming on consoles and mobile devices.
I highly doubt PC gaming will ever die. Consoles are not the same thing. I, for sure, won't drop my PC over to a console, I've never liked concoles anyways.
Have you heard of League of Legends? PC gaming will always be popular and will not be declining anytime soon. PC gaming will probably outlive console gaming, probably. A good percentage of the population own computers, so I don't think there is a way that PC gaming will be declining.
Have you heard of League of Legends? PC gaming will always be popular and will not be declining anytime soon. PC gaming will probably outlive console gaming, probably. A good percentage of the population own computers, so I don't think there is a way that PC gaming will be declining.
LoL and WoW keep PC gaming in the peak, that's right, together with minecraft and some others, but that's because they're multiplayer games. I guess that's another +1 for the PC. Multiplayer is easier to get working than in a console and I believe there are a lot more users.


Well as far i know PC gaming is not dead and i think it never will be. It has a big industry behind the scene and so many eSports have been established just for the PC Gaming. I think it is also the most powerful gaming at the moment. I have never tried anything else than PC Gaming because i just like it that much and i think it will stay like that for a while.
Well as far i know PC gaming is not dead and i think it never will be. It has a big industry behind the scene and so many eSports have been established just for the PC Gaming. I think it is also the most powerful gaming at the moment. I have never tried anything else than PC Gaming because i just like it that much and i think it will stay like that for a while.
That's true when you say some games are only available for PC. Most big games usually come out first for consoles and only then for PC but they still come. I don't know of a big game that is restricted to consoles, except GTA V for now.


Bah, it's not dead. This is the most annoying question I see asked on many forums. I wanted to start the topic myself just to get ahead of all of those who think PC gaming is dead.

Let me start by saying that PC gaming is not dead. Actually it's getting better because one: Mods and two: people are finally seeing how annoying console developers can be, yeah I'm looking at you Microsoft. But seriously, can you honestly say PC gaming is dead? If so, tell me why, thanks!
PC gaming is not dead for one main reason, Online gaming was first on computers. PC is a step a head in that area. I don't think PC gaming will ever be as big as console gaming, but its not going anywhere anytime soon.


Nah, it's not dead. There are many PC gamers I know in my country. Dota, LoL, Diablo III, CS and online games are famous here.
It feels like the PC gaming is growing crazily compared to consoles. Programs like Steam release so many games. There's no way it's dying!