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PC gaming dead?

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PC will probably never go out of whack. Sure, things like the new Steam console and the "innovative" things that new gen consoles are coming out with seem impressive, but there's just nothing like the amount of MMORPGs and processing speed that a PC can possess in the right hands.


here are so many Japanese games coming to PCs lately. Games that used to be consoles exclusives back in 2010 and 2011 are now coming to PC. Castlevania, Enslaved, Dark Souls, Injustice and other games used to be console exclusives. They all launched on PC or are confirmed for PC.


Can we just give it a rest already? PC game revenues are on a rise despite being cheaper and it's still the most used platform out there. If anything, consoles are struggling to keep up, but neither one is dying.
No need to give it a rest. This is a forum and forums are for discussions and differing opinions! No one is abusing or shooting anyone else down, everyone is just sharing their point of view; it's healthy.


PC gaming will never die, but there is the chance that another high end PC-type machine comes in the market, it may be cheap, high performance and nice graphics. It also may be compatible with mods. Bottom line is, if it's PC gaming vs Console gaming, PC will outrun the console gaming by a mile in terms of fan base, graphics and more game options, including mods.


New Member
It really frustrates me when people say PC gaming is dying. It's NOT DYING! If anything, it's growing! Surely it's not growing as rapidly now because of the new consoles that are coming out soon, and everyone is going to be playing them, but in the end PC gaming will come out on top, or at least it should. The graphics are better, the games are better, and it's overall more customization-friendly and powerful.


I don't see how anyone could say that. By the looks of it, PC gaming is flourishing. The graphics of games are better than consoles and the specs. on high end computers are just stunning. I highly doubt the PC will dwindle, but instead keep growing.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's dead, nor do I think it will die. I'm a console gamer myself, but have been browsing the forums of PC gamers and I can tell that it's an industry and community that is stronger than ever. I also recall vaguely reading something about Microsoft starting to integrate their Xbox One functionalities into PC, and I think this should serve as an indication as to how big the PC gaming market really is if even Microsoft is taking notice.


Fair enough, you can all carry on saying the same things.
Yeah, I am sick of it as well. I get it that this is a gaming forum and it's healthy, but it will soon turn into a console vs PC war. Moreover, this topic has already been discussed millions of times. You guys need to bring something thought-provoking and new n the table instead of the same repeated questions.


New Member
It really frustrates me when people say PC gaming is dying. It's NOT DYING! If anything, it's growing! Surely it's not growing as rapidly now because of the new consoles that are coming out soon, and everyone is going to be playing them, but in the end PC gaming will come out on top, or at least it should. The graphics are better, the games are better, and it's overall more customization-friendly and powerful.

Agreed 100%!

TBH what's getting people into PC games these from what I've seen is people playing free-to-play games like TF2 and DOTA2 (man utd 3 ;) ) then moving onto more PC centric games like the ARMA series etc. :)


PC gaming is not dead and growing each and every day. If PC gaming were dead graphics card manufacturer would be losing business but sales show other wise. Consoles may be over shadowing the PC right now with the release of "Next Generation Consoles" and all the hype that came with it. If Nvidia and AMD had commercials on TV every day the consoles would seem like they were dying.


Japanese Devs are finally warming to the PC platform and that means alot more awesome jrpg's on PC and what not. Consoles are more likely to die then pc's.
I remember when PC gaming was the hottest thing. I don't think that it is dead or anything, I just think there are not as many people playing games on PCs anymore. I think it will get better over time though.


I actually think PC gaming is going to be big, in fact it's coming to life. With PC games you can mod it to be whatever you want. You can't mod on PS or Xbox (well you can, but not too easily as a PC). I don't play games on a PC, but i would definintely look forward to getting some games for it.


PC Gaming will never be dead because the PC can always be upgraded. The graphics on PC games are superior to console games and like xlzqwerty1 mentioned, most games are developed from the PC.


PC gaming will never die. Just think about the graphics detail a PC can render compared to any console in the market. And with services like Steam, it is easier to buy, play and organize your games.


PC gaming is not really dead, but consoles WILL take overhand. Sure there will be everytime gamers who're still playing on the PC. But I, personally, also switched to consoles after I bought my new PS3. It's way more comfortable to play.


PC gaming is not really dead, but consoles WILL take overhand. Sure there will be everytime gamers who're still playing on the PC. But I, personally, also switched to consoles after I bought my new PS3. It's way more comfortable to play.

I've been reading about the end of the PC since the Playstation 1 came out, it just won't happen, the customization and freedom it allows is just too much.