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I regard only Max Payne as a classic must play series. It was my first full length PC game ever. That story telling was so awesome. New York Minute and slow motion jumps :D was so cool. I have no words to describe the theme music. It was so good that I started to believe that I am Max Payne and my wife and kid has been killed :D .

What did you think of the movie?


Not exactly a classic, but does anyone remember playing Small Soldier : Squad Commander?

I believe it's my first game of strategy games. It's really, really fun, especially if you love the Small Soldier movie. Back then a few friends will gather at my place and we will take turn playing the game. Too bad I never figure out how to get past the train stage back then :( And I lost my copy of the game now......


Not exactly a classic, but does anyone remember playing Small Soldier : Squad Commander?

I believe it's my first game of strategy games. It's really, really fun, especially if you love the Small Soldier movie. Back then a few friends will gather at my place and we will take turn playing the game. Too bad I never figure out how to get past the train stage back then :( And I lost my copy of the game now......

You can always pirate it, if you ask me, you bought the game, it's yours, this is a simply retrieving it ye. I'm also confident you can pass the train stage now, you're older and wiser (hopefully lol) :D


You can always pirate it, if you ask me, you bought the game, it's yours, this is a simply retrieving it ye. I'm also confident you can pass the train stage now, you're older and wiser (hopefully lol) :D
I watched the playthrough on Youtube not long ago, and I was like "Gahhhhh, why didn't I think about that!!! Pay attention to the coordinates!!" when I saw just how easy it was to get past the certain prohibited area in that stage. I guess all I think about back then is how to overcome the enemies with sheer numbers alone and never think that the game will require some problem-solving skills as well >_>


Star Wars: Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast
it and it's sequel Jedi Academy are the only Star Wars games to completely nail down not only a perfect star wars game but also the PERFECT lightsaber gameplay.


If you have not played GTA Vice City then you have not been gaming for a long time now. It is among the games that every gamer has passed through as a ritual.


League of Legends. A good MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game. It's a good way to find new people and make friends, have fun by beating others, win stuff, and more!


I would suggest playing Age of Empires as one of the classic pc games. It's a classic when it comes to the strategy games. I'd suggest Doom for a FPS game, I consider it a classic under the FPS genre. It was one of the first FPS that I've played.

ray king

Well I don't know if you can play any of them now, but here goes. There is Doom, Half Life, Warcraft 1, Starcraft 1, Diablo 1. Hitman. These are some of the games that I talk about with my friends when we think which were the best classic games.


Well-Known Member
GTA SA was a big innovation in the GTA Universe.
Definitely. I think that even if it isn't considered a classic now, it soon will be seen as one when people start looking back and appreciating it a lot more. It was really a milestone in modern games.


Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and the entire Elder Scrolls series are all PC classics at this point. Morrowind especially. Point and Click Adventures are also classic PC games too, such as Adventures of Monkey Island and Grim Fandango, both which I highly recommend.


Well-Known Member
If you have not played GTA Vice City then you have not been gaming for a long time now. It is among the games that every gamer has passed through as a ritual.
Agreed. It's definitely a classic, and it will only be considered more of a classic as time passes. It was one of the most iconic games of it's era and it definitely deserves the title because it was very well made.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Knights of the Old Republic is not only one of the greatest Star Wars games ever made, but also one of the greatest Star Wars tales in the entire media spanning franchise.
Right now, the easiest place to grab Knights of the Old Republicis on Steam. The sequel is also available there as well (but don’t play it without downloading the restoration pack first).
Tips for modern machines: It should work perfectly fine on XP, Vista, and Windows 7, but if you are having any troubles, here are a few quick tricks you can try to get it up and running.


Gta San Andreas will definitely go down as one of the best PC games of all time. Besides that, Roadrash was a pretty solid racing game as well.
Definitely pick up counterstrike and team fortress. also modded lobbies for gta sa online is absolutely the most fun thing in the world


Active Member
I don't think you can call yourself a true PC gamer unless you've at least played a mission of the original Ghost Recon. Classic game that's still fun and challenging today, albeit lacking in graphics and features compared to today's games.