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No, in GTA I rarely obey traffic laws. The only open game that I played and I followed the traffic laws was Mafia. I don't see no reason to do that in GTA because the game is all about destruction of property and mayhem, laws are not for the GTA player, here we are free to do what we want when we want.
Because it would make the game seem a little more realistic I mean you can drive against traffic, hit other cars, and speed and cops wont go after you as long as you don't hit a cop car your good.

Meh. Driving in slow motion around a bunch of non-amusingly bad drivers doesn't sound too fun to me. So, what if it's more realistic. There is no novelty to it.


New Member
Well I don't do it often, I mostly just go on a killing spree, maybe the reason why I can tolerate it more then most is because I like to just listen to the radio stations and plus I have a lot of cool car mods installed on my GTA.


I will try my best to obey traffic laws if I am trying to get through a hard mission without interference from the police. Otherwise I will just run as many people as I can and let all hell break loose.


I do it when I'm bored. I also like to practice parallel parking when I am bored. I feel like it helps me out in real life and it's easier to know how to position my steering wheel.


I do it when I'm bored. I also like to practice parallel parking when I am bored. I feel like it helps me out in real life and it's easier to know how to position my steering wheel.
That's cool, lol. My parents always told me that I should stop playing GTA because it will make me a horrible driver. I actually ended up just fine. :D


I do never obey traffic in any of Grand Theft Auto games, untill it is part of a mission or a compulsary requirement.


Lol. I don't know anyone who obeys the traffic. It is not meant to do so. The game wants you to break all the rules and have the fun you can't have in real life.


New Member
I never obey the traffic. In some missions you are forced to obey the traffic, but during free roam I usually leave a trail of corpses and exploding cars behind me as I drive. Some times when I am extremely bored though, I try to follow the traffic rules to see how far I can go without crashing into another car. When that moment comes though, when I crash into a car, I just rage and destroy all the cars around me c:.


New Member
Because it would make the game seem a little more realistic I mean you can drive against traffic, hit other cars, and speed and cops wont go after you as long as you don't hit a cop car your good.
Isn't that why it is pointless to follow traffic rules.

You stop at every red light but if you run them, the cops ignore it.
You can drive on the footpath, destroy street lighting, fire hydrants etc. and still the cops don't bat an eyelid. Where's the realism in that?


New Member
I sometimes obey traffic laws on GTA. Sometimes I play GTA to practice driving in the real world, and sometimes I play to have fun!


Never have I ever once tried to obey traffic rules in any GTA games even. Traffic rules don't affect the player at all, so there's no point in obeying them if nothing is going to happen. It's stupid how the police doesn't care if someone runs a red light or drives at three times the maximum speed limit of the road section.


New Member
haha I have done this a couple times. It's mainly when I want to act like a hitman or some kind of hired killer, and I follow the rules of the road and follow a person or a car. I know that sounds crazy, but it's kind of like I'm making my own mission.


I usually don't when i'm doing missions, etc. However, when i'm just chilling and doing whatever I will follow the traffic rules. I'm sure every one of us had done this at some point. You have to dial back and just incorporate real life rules every now and then.


New Member
I actually obey traffic once. It was so boring that after 1 minute I couldn't stand it. I just started crashing into people and got into police chases. Good times :).


New Member
I used to do it randomly in some of the older GTA games (like GTA4) but I haven't bothered to do it in GTA5 yet. It's sometimes amusing but it gets boring quickly and like everyone else I just drive off and resume my normal driving. I think going against traffic and speeding inbetween lanes is more fun and a bit of a challenge.


New Member
I did just to try. It didn't last very long. It's a really good thing the police don't pull you over for driving through red lights, or else we'd all be in trouble.


Never tried it. It's too boring and the game's about being a criminal anyway, so fuck the police!