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Man finishes GTA V in 38 hour sitting

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Don't think there would be. If he was looking to do a speed clear then most likely he skipped cutscenes. I would like to know if he completed it 100% or he just skipped a lot of the games content.

You didn't really read the article that this thread is about. He mentioned in the article that he only got 57% completion.
If you read the article, you wouldn't be wondering if he got 100% completion.

There are 4 pages of comments on this article, but only 4 of us read the article and are writing relevant comments about the article.

Everyone else is just focusing on the headline that a guy played the game for 38 hours and they are commenting on his mental health and personal life without mentioning that he is reporter who was writing a story.


Wow he really must have no life to have time to play a games for 38 hours straight, but bravo anyway for his achievement. I think that it is possible to complete the game in such a time when you play it straight for 38 hours, but this kind of idea is just crazy. I can't play a game more than for 12 hours, not even some MMORPG, but this guy sits for 38 hours straight to play this game.


I wouldn't consider GTA titles hard at all. Some of them might have difficult missions, but you can get through tons and tons of them with just a few hours of play. The missions aren't so hard that they're frustrating, so you can power through most of them without failing a single one. You might start playing terribly due to lack of sleep, though, sure.

Yeah I think "frustrating" is more like it, but I really can't forget that it took me 6 months to be able to complete a certain mission where you have to fly a plane into several checkpoints. I forgot all the missions that I have played except for that one named "Dode Dodo" in GTA Vice City. That mission totally left a "legacy" in my memory.


New Member
The most i can play non-stop is like 3 hours. If this guy played 38 hours straight, you can be sure he did not enjoy the game because it was more of a job than actually playing. I think too much of anything takes the fun out of it.
38 hours oh my god! How could he finish GTA V that fast? That's really amusing and interesting.
Going to read that story asap.


New Member
I'm pretty sure playing a game 38 hours straight while SITTING taking little to no breaks is unhealthy. Yes, he set a record and it's pretty cool, but the long term effect could be bad. I wouldn't done it myself, however. Finishing the game in 38 hours is obviously a cool goal, but I would play only a little bit so I can enjoy the game I spent $60 more.


New Member
While that is a rather impressive record, I can say with no doubt that sitting down and playing for such a lengthy period of time will impact your health. That was 38 hours of constant gameplay. I myself can barely sit down for 2 hours at a time. How could his eyes handle such exposure to light? I sure hope the long term effects were worth his achievement.


New Member
That's so cool, I don't think I'd be able to play a game for 38 hours straight. Maybe one day if a game comes out that interests me more.


New Member
Honestly I have a big fear of deep vein thrombosis or some kind of blood clot when sitting down for even an hour let alone 38 hours. I always hear of these marathon sessions and a few have actually killed people and I think how it is even possible to do something like this. I think when I was younger the longest I ever sat and played a game without stopping was Metal Gear Solid and I played for 11 hours. I had no memory card at the time so I couldn't save and had to beat it in one sitting. lol


New Member
GTA V is an addicting game, but I dont see how someone could want to play a game continuously for that amount of time. It almost seems as if maybe he did it for the publicity. Running through a games missions and not doing anything expect for missions isnt very fun to me. I like to do my own thing in games, too.


New Member
That's insane! why would you spend sitting in a chair for 38 hours just to finish a game? I honestly would not have done that. Maybe he did not have anything else to do with his life.


That sounds painful and I would not even want to try. Sitting for that long of time can't be healthy for you. Props though for a speed run through.


New Member
I feel that even though he was reviewing a game, it was still unnecessary to complete it in one single session. I'm sure he at least took some kind of break in between.


New Member
38 hours believe it or not is not even a remotely impressive time, it's actually kind of sad now, I know I'm about to sound like the kind of people I loathe but for the sake of the thread I will say I beat GTA V in about 13 hours my second time through. The first time I played it I wanted to get the full experience and just openly explore the world and I spent a few weeks gradually progressing through in my free time, however due to a glitch of some sort whilst the game was still new, my entire progress was deleted, and thus I set out to re-do everything I had worked for and perhaps do some things a little better, make different choices and all that. I did this in one day, starting at 10 am, ending at around 11 pm or so at which time I ate a late dinner and switched to Call of Duty.

I'm not sure why this is some sort of record or even an achievement when there are dozens of people that I know of, and I assume there are hundreds or even thousands more, that have beaten GTA V in a single day.
It's really not that long, especially if you stick to the main missions and only do the essentials, and pass them all within 1-2 tries.


This sounds impressive base on my standards but I know there are persons out there that can finish gta v in a day or less. If I was being paid to play then I could see myself spending 12 hours straight just playing.
On How long to beat, the average is 31 hours for the main story. But then again...There is not point in playing if you don't have fun, and it seems it would just be a pure grind and boring chore for him, especially if he had played it before. When I play games, I'd rather take my time and have fun, so that I can feel like I got my money's worth and have a bit of fun. Also, how would he record it? Livestream or record for 38 hours? That would take up like 400 GB or something, so recording isn't an option.