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Man finishes GTA V in 38 hour sitting

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I remember hearing about some Asian kids grinding MMO's for 48+ hours straight and ending up in the hospital. I don't think it's a good idea to risk your health over a stupid video game.

I think I remember a news article when a young Korean (I think) died.
He had sat for days at an internet cafe playing an MMO and ended up dying there. That's the kind of stories that gives videogames a bad name.
That seems crazy. Do you know if he was the first person in the world to finish it?. I don't have that sort of dedication, he deserves the attention.


I think the most impressive part is at the end of the article he says: "I played Grand Theft Auto V for over 30 hours and achieved a completion percentage of 57%."
It really shows how big the game is, if with almost 40 hours played you haven't even done half of it.


New Member
Man that's crazy. Who has the energy to sit in the same spot for ~40 hours and play the same game just to have bragging rights about "beating a game in one sitting". Definitely have to agree with Oakster, though, he sat there and played for 38 hours; He only completed 57% of it. That's amazing.


New Member
Why did he do it? Probably to see if he could. Plus he said he had the game early. So he was able to beat the game before anyone had a chance to play it.

As far as playing for a long time. Some days you get there and just want to relax. Sometimes that is what you do to relax. Unless I was off work for something that allowed me sit there that long I couldn't even attempt it. But I have spent a Sunday playing. I was on my computer and my son wanted to use it. I said you can in a bit. Close to an hour later I decided to let him on it. I went downstairs and decided to put on GTA V for a "bit" Well that turned into a 12 hour long session. I stopped only to get a drink, use the bathroom and eat quickly. My wife was nice enough to make me something and bring it to me. The problem was that I got into the story line and trying to beat missions. It was always, "I will beat this one and take a break". The game pulled me in. It was fun. I didn't have anything that I had to do that I didn't do before or after starting.

I ended up finishing the game in 2 or 3 weeks. I'm not sure about how much time that was spent beating it. I do know that I have over 55+ hours between the three characters. But I know some of that was buying business and cars and so on after the final mission.



New Member
Well, it's possible to beat GTA V in 38 hours I think. Maybe he did some pauses every 2-3 hours. It's been 5 months since I bought GTA V, and i still didn't complete the story mode, because i don't like it, so I play online with other players instead.


New Member
Man that's crazy. Who has the energy to sit in the same spot for ~40 hours and play the same game just to have bragging rights about "beating a game in one sitting". Definitely have to agree with Oakster, though, he sat there and played for 38 hours; He only completed 57% of it. That's amazing.

Exactly. The game's story is literally barely half of the game. It just shows how GTA doesn't rely on the story of the characters as a crutch, and more as a way to introduce new things to you before they cut you loose.

It's kinda crazy what the guy did. I got tired of GTA V after playing it for 5 straight hours. I can't even imagine 38.


New Member
That is pretty crazy and unbelievable, good for him though. I would probably try something like that if I had the time to though. It'd be a fun 38 hours.


Active Member
I could do it, but I'd probably off myself immediately after I completed the game. 38 hours is too much. In fact, 19 hours is too much, and you can argue that 9.5 or even 4.25 hours is too much time to spend playing a game all at once.


38 Hours of just sitting down and playing Gta V? god that must seem so tiring, I don't think even I could sum up the energy to just sit down and play a game for that long.


GTA is hard in general. There are several missions where you could not do it in just 1 sitting and you have to repeat it. I guess that guy must be adept in the game plus his body can handle being awake for such a long period of time.
That's unbelievable. How can someone play for 38 hours straight without passing out? Even more when you're talking about a GTA game. GTA games are usually hard and frustrating sometimes. He must be a good gamer nevertheless, to succeed such thing. As some people said though, he needs to get a life, hehe.


New Member
It's stupid. And sitting for so many hours at once is just unhealthy and can be potentially dangerous or even deadly. I have know idea what was going on in his head. I've heard on the news about some south coreean teen who passed away on his chair while playing some video game, the cause being sitting for way too long.


New Member
Half of me says, "Ya, I believe him", and then the other half is like, "No, get a life you liar". I don't know who to believe because who would lie about this? But than again, in the society we live in, people will do or lie about doing the stupidest things for attention. I honestly don't know. If it is true, he must have gained like 20 lbs from energy drinks and junk food. I'm just gonna say he lied.


Active Member
GTA is hard in general. There are several missions where you could not do it in just 1 sitting and you have to repeat it. I guess that guy must be adept in the game plus his body can handle being awake for such a long period of time.

I wouldn't consider GTA titles hard at all. Some of them might have difficult missions, but you can get through tons and tons of them with just a few hours of play. The missions aren't so hard that they're frustrating, so you can power through most of them without failing a single one. You might start playing terribly due to lack of sleep, though, sure.


So the other day I was at home from work because I was sick and I had two days off so I am thinking to myself that I had time and maybe just maybe I might be able to beat this guys record. I am playing the game for sometime and then I realized that I just could not be able to get this done. I really think that the guy that did this had to have some sort of mental issue or he does not have a life because I can't see how someone could sit for so long and play a game as long as GTA for so long.


Man that's crazy he must have no life I would never do anything like that I like to enjoy and take my time when playing games.
He's a writer for Buzzfeed so why do you assume that he has no life? He was working on an article for Buzzfeed, and he played the game marathon-style so that he could write an article about it. It's obvious that he played the whole game because he documented things that actually did happen in the game.
I think that some people are commenting on articles and links in this forum without actually looking at them.
Anyone who actually read the article would see that the guy who played the game for 2 days straight was a journalist writing a story, not a random kid with no friends locked in his bedroom.


So the other day I was at home from work because I was sick and I had two days off so I am thinking to myself that I had time and maybe just maybe I might be able to beat this guys record. I am playing the game for sometime and then I realized that I just could not be able to get this done. I really think that the guy that did this had to have some sort of mental issue or he does not have a life because I can't see how someone could sit for so long and play a game as long as GTA for so long.

He wasn't trying to set a record, he's a journalist on the staff at Buzzfeed and he played the game to write about it.

He gets a paycheck from Buzzfeed. Are you telling me that you wouldn't play Grand Theft Auto V for 2 days to receive your paycheck for doing your job?

I think the reason I'm getting annoyed is that people are obviously commenting about an article they didn't read. I hate when people write a whole paragraph about an article they didn't even look at.

It's like saying "That lady is crazy for eating 12 frozen pizzas." when in reality it's a reporter doing an article about the top 10 best frozen pizzas.
The guy reviewed every part of the GTA V game that he played during the 38 hours and it's a good article.

You should read it sometime.


Why? I mean why we need to pay attention to this guy? I just can't comprehend it.

Because he's a journalist who wrote a good article about the game while he was playing it and wrote some great comments about the character Trevor Phillips.I think he summed up Trevor very well. Trevor is my favorite character so it was nice that this article showed him in a favorable light.

This journalist only got 57% completion. He was trying to beat the game and write an article about it, not beat a record or unlock 100% of the achievements.

You know, I can literally tell by looking at the comments here who read the article and who is just trying to increase their post count.