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How does the multiplayer in GTA V compare to GTA IV?

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New Member
You can't even really compare the online modes. GTA IV's online mode was more focused around dropping in as a random character and just playing the game, where as GTA Online in GTA V has a more RPG style approach where you create an actual unique character and level them up, earn money and unlock things that way. A lot of differences between the experiences, and they most certainly can't be compared. GTA IV's online free mode was a fun time killer though, even though most people just hung around the airport killing each other 90% of the time.


New Member
5's internet is definitely a lot more fleshed out with a ton to do but, I'll always prefer GTA 4 to 5. 5 has a leveling system as well as a plethora of customization options which simply don't exist in 4. However, I highly prefer the pick up and play concept in 4, 5 is very grindy and at times it can be hard to earn money.


New Member
GTA IV online now is pretty dead now. It's also extremely lame compared to V! It feels a lot more unrestrictive and more free, especially with each update added. In my opinion, V is just a blast online with friends.


New Member
Man, there's just no comparison to be made, really. The difference is gigantic. GTA IV was more of a closed off multiplayer mode with some free roam and other game modes. Honestly, GTA Online for GTA V is more like an MMO except not that many players on the same lobby obviously. But the RPG elements are there, complete free roam and leveling and buying properties and vehicles and clothes and guns etc etc. And it all carries over to the next game/lobby. :)
It's pretty good I'd say. It's got its problems but it's still good.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
Well, I enjoy both, but I think GTA Online is better than IV's. I like IV's more, but GTA:O is better in many ways. I liked that you didn't have to worry about losing money, cars etc in IV's MP, but it is much easier to play in GTA:O because it's just simpler to use.


New Member
The biggest difference is the servers. Connecting to a server is SO much easier. GTA IV had a lot more 'game modes' but I think the freedom in GTA V Online is what really sets it apart. Overall I like GTA V much more.


New Member
Gta 4's multiplayer experience can't even be barely compared to what joyful experience GTA 5 has to offer. In GTA 4, you always feel like you will run out of things to do, because there are so few things to do.
GTA 5 is essentially 100% times better. But it's just my two cents.


Active Member
The GTA V online mode is miles ahead of the GTA IV version. They've added a lot of new things and improvements which makes the gameplay much more enjoyable.
The online mode on GTA V PC is really good.
How is GTA V online on PC now, are there still a lot of cheaters, or did Rockstar step up their anti-cheat a bit?
The PC version of GTA will always have modders and cheaters. I think Rockstar did try to introduce some ways in which it would be harder to mod and cheater in the GTA Online mode but as you know there will always be other ways on PC. I think Rockstar have just admitted defeat to be honest and just given up on PC. No matter what they would do, it would not stop cheaters so might as well just concentrate on the console versions


New Member
I really do not see much of difference in the games when it comes to the multiplayer. Sure there are some minor differences but I would rather just see what feels the most right versus lining them up and comparing.


New Member
Both of the are very good and closer to its many players.Every game player likes a different and specific thing in his favorite game.Some people like the graphics and story of the game.I like to play GTA V online because of its graphics and many new improvements.


New Member
Fun for a little while then you realize free roam is pointless (it's just a lobby to find jobs really, killing people is useless there) and the jobs just aren't very fun unless you get a group of friends and make it fun. It could have been so much better. Most of your time will be spent at loading screens and timeout screens.


New Member
Sometimes those pointless jobs can turn out to be the best way to spend some time for me. I guess it just depends on where I am with the game.


I think in terms of experience, both the games are good. And I'd say V is better than IV so I'd not compare them much. And it all depends on how the games are managed. I don't know how much multiplayer can be good though.