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How does the multiplayer in GTA V compare to GTA IV?

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New Member
The whole GTA online is expanding, the next few months will be interesting. Will be nice to see heists introduced along with the other bits and bobs, lots a rumours flying around about new areas and cities to explore!


New Member
In my opinion GTA 5 multiplayer is more free roamish unlike GTA 4 multiplayer which had boring game modes and a restrained map.


It is so much more fun. Much less hackers, more things to do, custom cars, custom characters, customized guns, etc. It is such an improvement.


I like GTA V's multiplier a lot better than that of GTA iV's. I think it's partially due to the levels and fact you can create anything you wish. If you want a bulldozer facing off a Boeing. Go for it. It's really an amazing addition to the game.


Are you guys able to login to RSSC via game in GTA IV? I have just installed it on Steam, and the RSSC login doesn't work :(.


New Member
My favorite thing in GTA online was getting a couple of helicopters with my clan members in the back using carbine rifles (GTAIV), GTAV is no where near as good for my personal experience as I can't chase people down with my shooters in the back and rockets are OP with the lock on system.


New Member
It wasn't that bad, the free mode could be improved as it isn't a patch on GTAIV, but the variety of the V isn't so bad.


New Member
Although GTAV online has a larger map, more mission options and more character customization, I couldn't get used to it.
One problem I've been facing is the lame players around. It's so funny to find so many little kids playing a +18 game. Was I also like that before I turned 18? Am I getting old!?
Don't know, but what I know is I can't find enough players still playing GTAIV online, so I'm forced to stick with V.
Personally I would prefer GTA V. i feel that it's much more interesting and there's just a lot more to do. GTA IV was pretty good back then, but it's getting a bit repetitive and boring. GTA V is basically a newer version, which is makes it fun because who wouldn't want to be playing a newer game?


New Member
GTA IV's multiplayer platform, back then, was basically the first one, so I tended to enjoy it. But, upon playing on the GTA V's multiplayer platform, I must restrain the good thoughts I had about the previously-released game, because this one has so much to offer, but they kind of ruined a bit of the experience by removing some well-thought mods and compensate with rather badly-thought ones. Furthermore, because it hasn't been launched on the PC - yet! - some multiplayer features added by mods are currently inexistent, like Simple Native Trainer, which were truly amazing and brought an overall pleasant feel for the free mode.
I've still chosen GTA V because it's more polished and its graphics will be even more promising for the PC port coming this fall, so I will personally stay tuned with the money ready in my pocket! :)


New Member
personally i think the multiplayer is better in GTAV just because theres many more features a much larger map to work with and its smooth as all hell not really as glitchy as GTA 4 can be at times


The multiplayer in Gta V is much more better than the one in Gta IV, in IV it lagged a lot and there were a lot of cheaters, but you can't find any in Gta V (until it gets ported to PC)


New Member
The online portion of GTA:5 (GTA:Online) is amazing, it can be a bit "shoot on sight" but if you have a large crew you can create a crew only session and avoid being shot at by a lone fighter whilst still playing online with your friends. The aim of the game is to earn cash, spend it and have a great time, you can earn cash in many ways from mugging people on the street to working for some of the most notorious nut jobs out in the dessert! Racing is another way to earn some good money and is possibly the most lucrative ($/RP per minute) than any other job.


New Member
I think the multiplayer depends on the people you play with. There's a lot of douchebags who shoot on sight, but it's like that in most mmo games without attack-restrictions. Once you find a few funny people though, it get's incredibly rewarding and fun, because there's so much fun things to do in gta v.


Although it does have its flaws I really enjoy GTA V online. As they made more and more updates available it has gotten alot better than it was. Mainly for me the problem was getting on to the servers in the first place to be able to play the game online.


I think I do mulitplayer more than the actual missions on GTA V and that is saying a lot. After playing the multiplayer a couple of times in GTA IV, I just got plain bored with it and stopped.


New Member
Well, there's certainly more to do, but it feels kind of limited in a way. Of course, the MP in GTA V is way better but as previous posts say, it had a rocky start. I really hope we get some crazy mods and servers on PC. :D


New Member
I'm probably in the minority, but I much preferred the multiplayer in GTA IV. It was nice to be able to free roam and screw around without having to worry about leveling up, buying stuff, or losing money when you die. We always found something fun to do, because it felt more open to screwing around. GTA Online is pretty good, but I just can't bring myself to play it as much as I played IV.


New Member
Grand Theft Auto IV online and Grand Theft Auto 5 online are much different, because in GTA IV, the online mode was a lot simpler and there were not a lot of players playing, while in GTA V, the online mode is better because it has more players and great gamemodes and features.