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Does the Success Of Ride 2 Warrant Ride 3 release?

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Well, for us fans it's never about the money but about the enjoyment of the game.That's where developers start to go wrong when they consider the maths before how people feel about the ride game.
That is so true. I'm starting to think that the delevelopers of the game care all about the money only, they don't think that we fans are the reason why their game is sucessful. They should think about our enjoyment of the game rather than how much money they can make in the game.


That is so true. I'm starting to think that the delevelopers of the game care all about the money only, they don't think that we fans are the reason why their game is sucessful. They should think about our enjoyment of the game rather than how much money they can make in the game.
Of course they care about the money first and foremost, like every other company.
On topic : I'm almost certain we will see Ride 3, but nothing has been announced yet.


Yes, Ride 3 seems to becoming out November 8 of this year they have announced on Playstation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC/Steam. It will feature 230 motorcycles as well, so yeah it seems to be very popular.



Ride 3 will definitely be on the list of games to look out for in terms of racing in 2018.

Can't wait to see what they have done with the game.
Like you say, Formula 1 is more popular around the world, but there is still a large amount of people that follow MotoGP as well, and I do think that they warrant a game made for them as well, and Ride does that to some extent.

I'd also think that more MotoGP fans would actually go out and buy a game based on that sport than what Formula 1 fans would. There are hundreds of car racing games available, but not many bike racing games so while it is a niche market, there are still a lot of fans of motorcycling that will justify a game developer to carry on making them I would have thought.


I will always be okay with more games despite whether they are really deserved, to an extent I guess.


Still no news huh? The thing is I can't go back to Ride 2 because I'm already tired the game.