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Does the Success Of Ride 2 Warrant Ride 3 release?

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I like to play racing games having to use bikes, but they never get better than cars because the cars offer more thrills.

Everything with a car becomes more exciting. :D

In GTA when you use a bike you also get thrown off of it when you hit a tree or a wall, so I would also prefer to use a car rather than a bike in video games.


Active Member
In GTA when you use a bike you also get thrown off of it when you hit a tree or a wall, so I would also prefer to use a car rather than a bike in video games.

I also prefer to use a car rather than a bike when I play becuase it's more exciting. To be honest, I can't even compare.


I agree, just even looking at the physical body of those 2 vehicles, you can tell that the simple bike is no match for a car.


Yes, the price and just by looking at the physical appearance of bikes you can tell that they are quite "fragile". I actually don't even know how to ride a bike.


@Shine_Spirit, Yes it's true, I don't know how to ride a bike since I never got to own one. My bro does have a bike then and now, so he knows how to ride it. I also am not interested in learning how to ride one, haha!


@Shine_Spirit, Yes it's true, I don't know how to ride a bike since I never got to own one. My bro does have a bike then and now, so he knows how to ride it. I also am not interested in learning how to ride one, haha!
I have rode a bike once in my lifetime and i drove into a wall, never touched one again.


Active Member
@Shine_Spirit, Yes it's true, I don't know how to ride a bike since I never got to own one. My bro does have a bike then and now, so he knows how to ride it. I also am not interested in learning how to ride one, haha!

Oh, now I got! But why don't you at least have the curiosity to know how to ride a bicycle? It's a very fun activity. :D


I'm already 32, and I fear the injuries that I will get once I started learning how to ride a bike. It seems painful.


Game developers go for the sequel only if the production costs is recovered from the profit. I am guessing the cost is yet to be recovered. And for this reason the sequel may take time. Though game is successful from what we are speculating. It needs to be seen from their profit and balance ratio, if they get that part they will surely announce the sequel.


I would like to see ride 3 in the future because for me ride and ride 2 are amazing, the only thing that they need is small improvement on some situations when you ride a bike


Active Member
I would like to see ride 3 in the future because for me ride and ride 2 are amazing, the only thing that they need is small improvement on some situations when you ride a bike

If and when they do make a sequel to Ride 2, I do think that we are going to see a massive improvement on the game as a whole. The difference between Ride 1 and Ride 2 was huge, and I think Ride 2 took a lot of people by surprise as they thought we was just going to see a remake of the first game. Ride 2 may have a had limited success, but it's more than what I think the developers expected and on that basis alone I can see them continuing the franchise for at least one more game.


New Member
When it comes to racing games, it seems that people prefer to race cars rather than bikes, even though game like Ride and Ride 2 have been relatively successful. Does that though mean that there is future for the Ride franchise, or do we think that Ride 2 will be where it ends?

Personally I like the fact that we have a choice, and even though I do prefer racing cars, I do enjoy both the Ride games and I think that it could have a future if it keeps progressing like it has. Failing that, do we think that there would be a game developer out there that may put the two together? I'd like to see say a game like Gran Turismo in the future to have a mix of both, and maybe even be able to race bikes and cars against each other.

Would a game like that be successful, or are bike and car racing games two different beasts that shouldn't be mixed?

Given the success of their previous approach to the franchise, I would think a new medium would be the focus of any future Ride games with legacy engine mechanics tacked on as a value-added proposition. Ride 3 could potentially focus on any number of racing themes. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them take on water racing. That's probably a bit beyond the pale for Ride 3, but I'm a fan of pushing the envelope.


Active Member
I do understand what your saying @Itsame but at the same time I'm not sure that fans of Ride and Ride2 would welcome that big of a change.

Many (if not most) of the players of these games only play them because they involve motorbikes, and they enjoy that change from the norm. If they do expand Ride3, then they'll at least have to leave the motorbikes in there to keep the fan base they've already built up.


I think Ride 3 is in the works. And surely the new game will be lot of change. Not something we can control. Games are going to be released if developers make profit.