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Do you guys still play Mario Kart 8?

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The game came out almost a year ago, but I feel like a lot of people don't really play it anymore. I mean, I can find people online easily, but it feels like the community is a lot less smaller.


Active Member
A lot less smaller? So you mean the community is bigger... I know dozens of people that play Mario Kart 8 on a regular basis still.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't play it anymore these days. There's just way too many other games I spend my time on but I think it's still very fun and very well made. It's just not my favorite genre of racing game so I tend to put more time into others.


Active Member
I still play it from time to time, mainly when I invite friends over as a party game. I think the online multiplayer is slowly fading, and is less fun than playing with other people sitting beside you.
Yep, almost every day. I have my friends coming over almost every day and we enjoy playing some Mario Kart, especially while playing a drinking game related to it. It's great fun.


Yep, almost every day. I have my friends coming over almost every day and we enjoy playing some Mario Kart, especially while playing a drinking game related to it. It's great fun.

I think that's the best way to play Mario Kart, with friends, in person. I mean, playing online is really fun, but playing together in the living room or something is the best way. Brings back so many memories haha.
I barely play Mario Kart anymore. I feel that there are more fun racing games out there. The game just feels like the previous ones, except this new one just has better graphics. Not really a game play improvement for me, so I don't find it the most appealing.


Well-Known Member
Yep, almost every day. I have my friends coming over almost every day and we enjoy playing some Mario Kart, especially while playing a drinking game related to it. It's great fun.
It's one of those games that really is best to play with friends. I see it like a fighting game wherein it isn't really fun for me if I'm playing alone but once a couple of friends join in it becomes the best game in the world.


New Member
This is one of the games that will give you the most bang for the buck. The replay of Mario Kart will last for years and also, the DLC is coming soon so online will pick up even more.


Active Member
I played it to see how is it and I continued to do it for a week, then I got sick of it.
It is not a bad game but there are definitely a lot of games that are better out there.


I must admit that I have stop playing it as much as I used to. It is still the game that I like to play whenever I have people over. It is the most fun that you will have with the game. To me the thing is it is not a game that you can play to much by yourself you have to have more then one person playing for you to be really able to enjoy by yourself.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the games that will give you the most bang for the buck. The replay of Mario Kart will last for years and also, the DLC is coming soon so online will pick up even more.
Yeah I agree. Nintendo is great at making games that are simple yet complex enough to have lots of replay value and eventually will become classics. The gameplay in any version of MK is fairly similar so I'm sure it will be played for decades to come.


The game came out almost a year ago, but I feel like a lot of people don't really play it anymore. I mean, I can find people online easily, but it feels like the community is a lot less smaller.

You should try to compare Mario Kart 8 with Mario Kart Wii a few years ago (2012 or so) and then you'll notice Mario Kart Wii was way 'stronger' than MK8 has ever been and probably ever will be. Of course a lot of fans still play Mario Kart 8 and I'm pretty sure it will stay nice to play, but I think there are more interesting games for the Wii U (Smash Bros for example).

Myself I definately prefer Mario Kart Wii over Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 looks very fancy and smooth but Mario Kart Wii has just way more attraction to me, definately for single player. I won't say I never play Mario Kart 8 anymore but only with certain friends, and never longer than half an hour as the game is just not so unique as Mario Kart Wii was. It feels like a Mario Kart 7 remake with just better graphics and that's it.
Of course I still play it. MK8 has the same appeal every Nintendo game has in the fact that you get the urge to play it again consistently. I also have a lot more reason to play it now because of the new dlc and 200cc.


Yep, I'm still playing it. After the release of the DLC, I went back to play it and it's awesome.

Now you have met 200 cc, you'll never be able to quit with MK8 ;)

This DLC update is really nice though, especially for online gameplay the new 200cc mode has really attracted a lot of players.
The thing is that 200cc opens up som much possibilities for shortcuts and strats....


I will keep playing this game until they release a updated version of it. The game is simply fun to play and makes me angry in a good way.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm still playing it. After the release of the DLC, I went back to play it and it's awesome.
DLC definitely refreshes the lifespan of these games and I never really appreciated it that much until recently. I found myself going back to games I've already gotten tired of.