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Do you guys still play Mario Kart 8?

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I play it at home when I am alone or with some friends, but I don't even try to go online to find people to play with. No one is every online and it is depressing trying to wait around to find someone to play Mario Kart with.
I'm surprised you have a problem finding people to play with online. Every time I play it I find at least an 8 people lobby in moments.
Absolutely, it's an amazingly fun game to play with the whole family. You can play with kids, you can play it with grown ups, and it has insane replay value because of the randomness of the maps and weapons. You can literally play it for days without getting bored. It's a rare thing to have for video games nowadays, but Mario Kart can really hold the attention and the thrill of the race that no other game can do right now, and I really impressed by it. It's a really fun game and I have enjoyed every minute of it.


I do not play it much anymore. I will be honest I thought that I would, because they are usually the games that I end up having as my go to when there is nothing else, but for some reason this one kind of just got lost in the mix. I think that the fact that others do not play it factors in though because online is pretty weak like others have mentioned and also my friends do not really play it so they are out. I like the game but it is just not as appealing as it used to be, at least in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised you have a problem finding people to play with online. Every time I play it I find at least an 8 people lobby in moments.
Yeah it's not that difficult for me either but maybe it just has to do with the area you're in. Maybe on some servers people are playing less. Just a guess though.


Yeah, online I don't play it that much but the local multiplayer is still on the active for me, because me and my friends love to make tournaments on it. It's a better feeling when you're playing with the people by your side.


I play every so often, but not as frequently I did when the game first came out. It is still enjoyable to play a couple of online races - though I do wish the battle mode was better and more like the previous games in the series.