Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Recent content by LordArkana

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. L

    Favorite Steam Games

    My Steam library is getting ridiculous, I have over 50 games. I like playing some indie games, like Geneforge, and time wasters, like Adventure Capitalist and Time Clickers. Otherwise, there are a few gems like Transistor which is an innovative gameplay. I have yet to find interesting racing...
  2. L

    Infinite story?

    I kinda agree, the worst part of any game is the main story and the missions ending, and finding yourslef with nothing but meaningless jobs to do to get more money and achievements. I suffered withdrawal from Mass Effect, The Last of Us, and I haven't finished GTA V because I want to take my...
  3. L

    What got you into the console gaming?

    My first games on screen were with a NES and a Sega Genesis. I used to play Sonic all the time before I had my first computer, so consoles were already a big part of my entertainment. On the computer, all I could do was play Minesweeper! I got used to console gaming, eventually owning a PS2 then...
  4. L

    Favorite YouTube Channels

    I'm not much of a Youtube watcher, but there are channels I have grown to like: Brentalfloss, for his amazing nintendo song lyrics, and Jacksfilms, who makes the serie Your Grammar Sucks. I also love Markiplier but I prefer playing games rather than watch someone play them.
  5. L

    Favorite All time TV Show?

    Like most people here, I'd say Breaking Bad for its brillance - everything is just perfect. And then came Better Call Saul, the spin off featuring our favorite criminal lawyer. It's heading down to be equal if not better than BrBa, and I just can't wait for the 3rd season!
  6. L

    Midtown Madness, a classic!

    Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, I hope this is the right place. I'm from an era where I played games like Midtown Madness, which is what got me into racing games in the first place. I loved the fact that we could drive around for fun, do different missions, unlock cars, etc. And of course...