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What got you into the console gaming?

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For me it was seeing my friend playing on the console when I was little. I was so overwhelmed when I played the games with an other controler than keyboard and the mouse. I just had to get a console for myself at the time and that is what I did. Since then I enjoy playing games on the consoles.


Well-Known Member
I was introduced to consoles at a very young age because I have an older brother, so I really don't remember ever not liking consoles. I've also played on PC because some of my older relatives have always been computer geeks, but I just gravitated towards consoles a lot more because they were made solely for gaming.

ray king

I got into console mostly because it seemed to bring together people in playing games. I could sit on my PC and play games all day, but consoles brought everybody together. I even remember my dad trying to play with us a few times. It was fun for the family and great when you bring home friends. And really, console games have improved a lot in the graphics department and game selection, so it really is a must have if you are a games.
When I first got into console gaming it was because I was tired of waiting until my PC was on, and using it for multiple tasks, not only gaming. It's much easier to plug my console in, turn on my tv and play anything I want in seconds. That's what I like most about consoles.
In the old days, the SNES was my first gaming console. I really enjoyed playing it! I sort of grew up with gaming. But I haven't really been updating with my gaming consoles. By that, I mean I haven't really been buying many gaming consoles lately since they're so pricey now.


Tekken 3 is the game that got me into console gaming. I saw the game in a store where few kids were having fun with it. I though why not give this game a go. I loved it.


I played demos for the Dreamcast with my daughter. We played Tomb Raider: Revelations, Rayman, Sonic Adventure, Dead or Alive 2, and Tony Hawk. I had realized that I wanted the real games because they were so much fun. That started it all, and I haven't looked back. Neither has my daughter.


My brother gave me a PS1 a couple of months after the PS2 came out when I was little.

Hmm, I don't know why, but I thought you were older. For you to have gotten a PS1 as a child, though, you must be pretty young actually. Well, you seem pretty mature.


Hmm, I don't know why, but I thought you were older. For you to have gotten a PS1 as a child, though, you must be pretty young actually. Well, you seem pretty mature.
I turned 20 this year, been gaming since PS1 and Dreamcast. I didn't realize I came off as mature? Well, thank you anyway.


I turned 20 this year, been gaming since PS1 and Dreamcast. I didn't realize I came off as mature? Well, thank you anyway.
Ah, congratulations for turning 20. I, myself, am a 39 year old mother. I know that someone like that doesn't normally come across as a gamer type, but I've always been a unique person.


Ah, congratulations for turning 20. I, myself, am a 39 year old mother. I know that someone like that doesn't normally come across as a gamer type, but I've always been a unique person.

I dunno, I know people of all ages. Especially from the different MMORPG's I play..


Well-Known Member
Tekken 3 is the game that got me into console gaming. I saw the game in a store where few kids were having fun with it. I though why not give this game a go. I loved it.
This was one of the first games that got me more into consoles as well, since by this time the controls have become more complex and thus a lot more interesting to me. I wasn't really any good at it at first though, but fortunately my friend was patient enough to teach me some moves.


Actually, the PS3 was my first, legit console. Yeah, it sounds weird, but when I say my first legit, it means I got it and I had the most fun on it. It was the console I was really invested into and I spent a lot of time in that console. I got into just because I had two options: Xbox 360 or Ps3. PC wasn't an option because to get a good one, costed a lot. Anyways, online was free for PS3 so that's why I got it. I guess you could call Wii, my first ever console and we got that because we wanted a family console. There were actually some pretty fun family moments on that one too when I was young. Ah, memories.


When I was a kid my sisters and were already playing Playstation 1 . And that was the reason I got in to console gaming because of them.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid my sisters and were already playing Playstation 1 . And that was the reason I got in to console gaming because of them.
I have a younger sister who loved ps1 games too. Now looking back I wonder what they saw in those games because I never same across any other girl who liked ps1.


Active Member
Playing Halo with friends got me into consoles. It was something that couldn't possibly but done on PCs at that time. Nowadays PC stands as a much better substitute for consoles with regards to gaming capabilities, as compared to a decade ago.


New Member
My first games on screen were with a NES and a Sega Genesis. I used to play Sonic all the time before I had my first computer, so consoles were already a big part of my entertainment. On the computer, all I could do was play Minesweeper! I got used to console gaming, eventually owning a PS2 then a PS3. Now, I play evenly on my consoles and my computer, though I prefer console as they don't get outdated as often as computers.
All I have ever known was console gaming. I discovered pc and mobile gaming much later in life. Growing up with 8 brothers lead me to being a female gamer. The only way I could play with them was through sports and games.


Well-Known Member
All I have ever known was console gaming. I discovered pc and mobile gaming much later in life. Growing up with 8 brothers lead me to being a female gamer. The only way I could play with them was through sports and games.
I have a niece and she's also started to like playing on our ps3 and it's really fun seeing her enjoy someone that previously girls in our family never touched. I have always wanted to play console games with my sister when I I was growing up but she was never into it.