Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Recent content by Esperahol

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. Esperahol

    Not really enjoying GTA 5 online

    It's kind of hilarious that you're disappointed because hours of gameplay has finally bored you. That said I don't care enough about multiplayer to have much of an opinion. Even so it's not a bad attempt all things considered.
  2. Esperahol

    Need for Speed Rivals There's a Need for Speed movie coming out next month.

    I'm Esperahol and I endorse this message. Seriously though this is going to most likely be hilarious in an unintentional manner.
  3. Esperahol

    Gran Turismo 6 Why can't they fix the dumb AI?

    I know I should probably give them the shadow of a doubt, but I never claimed to be a generous of heart individual and that is probably for the best.
  4. Esperahol

    Series you wish they'd end

    Eh... I can't really think of one since I don't buy what I don't want. What does it matter to me if other people want to spend their hard earned money on something I find asinine?
  5. Esperahol

    Where's the sequel to Shadow of the Colossus?

    ....Do you remember a game called Ico? That is the "sequel", because SoC is in fact a prequel to said game. So yeah... don't be expecting a sequel is what I'm telling you.
  6. Esperahol

    What Do You Do With Your Old Consoles?

    I build them a special cabinet around the time I started to periodically comb through my games for purges. I have to otherwise the whole house because a storage warehouse for game after game after game - right now I'm hardly buying and I have over 50 just laying about being lazy or whatever...
  7. Esperahol

    Do you play Sonic?

    Aw... CeliVega is rocking the sarcasm like really hard and stuff.... That's adorable.
  8. Esperahol

    Gran Turismo 6 Why can't they fix the dumb AI?

    They can always make it worse - seriously. I am not even joking - if there is a way to break something further then they will find it if you give them leave to do so.... Those fools!
  9. Esperahol

    What's Your Portable Gaming Console Of Choice?

    In order: DS - seriously the library is just amazing. 3DS - growing to be good even if the 3D function is worthless also bkwards compatibility makes it awesome. Vita - I don't care what anyone says Vita's going to be a big star. PSP - I think I gave it to my kid brother so he'd shut up and...
  10. Esperahol

    Will this game make you buy a Wii U?

    Nope - cause I bought one at launch! That said this is a game that definitely lets me justify the purchase to others who are all - "hardcore/childish/blahs" about the system.
  11. Esperahol

    The best Silent Hill

    Hmm... I love Silent Hill as a series verse picking this title or that. The main reason for this is that there are two stories being told - The Odd (1,3,5,etc) which is about the Goddess/Alana/the Town and the Even (2,4,6,etc) which about the God/Surrounding Areas. That said if I had to pick a...
  12. Esperahol

    Do you like hyper violent game?

    Depends on what you mean by hyper violent - like I really enjoy Bayonetta which has a hard-on for gore, but I don't really care about GOW which totally enjoys gore for gore's sake. I also enjoy Silent Hill and Mad World and such, but there approach to gore is rather different isn't it? So...
  13. Esperahol

    Need for Speed Rivals There's a Need for Speed movie coming out next month.

    It doesn't have to make it big - it just has to not completely suck at the office. If it makes back it's cost plus half as much again then it should be fine. That said I'm honestly not all that much interested in it.
  14. Esperahol

    Have You Heard Of OUYA?

    OUYA was an interesting experiment and from that aspect I applaud it. However, the basic idea was flawed - not least because it relied on the idea of somehow making cheaper platform based off of a cellphone. On top of that it didn't take into account the cost of good product construction i.e. it...
  15. Esperahol

    What would save the Wii U from abysmal sales?

    What could have saved it is better advertising, and putting it out there more in the form of demos at like GameStop or Expos. Instead it came in very under the radar and that has cost it dearly. Also maybe a better name and more titles at launch certainly wouldn't have hurt it at all.