Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Gran Turismo 6 Why can't they fix the dumb AI?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Ghost Rider

You know what? I've got the feeling that every time I'm playing a Gran Turismo game, I'm playing against cars that are on autopilot - they just follow a certain path over and over again in the tracks. It's like playing against a robot that only knows one thing to do rather than a reactive AI. It's now the 6th installment of GT. Why can't they get this right?


Polyphony did an excellent job redoing the UI, shortening load times, and making all cars accessible without having to go through the used car dealership. They forgot the AI. AGAIN.

Ghost Rider

Yeah, it seems as though they are still using the AI of the first Gran Turismo. Lol. :D

Maybe they thought that players wouldn't notice that the cars are traveling a preset path only rather than be more reactive to the player's strategies? Well, anyway, they have a lot of time to get things right on the PS4.


Yeah, it seems as though they are still using the AI of the first Gran Turismo. Lol. :D

Maybe they thought that players wouldn't notice that the cars are traveling a preset path only rather than be more reactive to the player's strategies? Well, anyway, they have a lot of time to get things right on the PS4.
Its not even a joke anymore. I think they seriously use the AI of the original Gran Turismo.


But that's what AI usually do though. They are designed to follow and execute exactly what they are programmed to do. An AI that is flexible and adaptive requires a lot more time to develop, so I guess the developers took the easy way out. Which is why I always choose to play against a real player if I want a real challenge.


Active Member
Maybe it's just me but the AI seems somewhat better compared to GT5. In some races I've had small battles with the AI. Nothing special but small battles all the same which was a welcome surprise to the typical "follow a certain path AI" that the GT series is known for


Honestly, they might not see a reason to do so. It depends on the feedback they're getting from their Betas and whatnot. If the Betas don't apparently have an issue with the same tired AI why bother trying to fix it and potentially making it that much worse?


Honestly, they might not see a reason to do so. It depends on the feedback they're getting from their Betas and whatnot. If the Betas don't apparently have an issue with the same tired AI why bother trying to fix it and potentially making it that much worse?
At this point, they can really make it much worse. Can they?


New Member
I dislike that they handicapped their AI by giving them head starts, it makes it almost impossible to catch up if they're in a faster car. Thankfully, the online racing in this game is so good, i've stopped playing the single-player races. I just wish I was a better racer to compete online!
I have to agree but I don't think its the Al I'm pretty sure its the way the user interface was designed. The developers could do a much better job to fix this though, I also noticed that cars appear to be driving by themselves.


At this point, they can really make it much worse. Can they?

They can always make it worse - seriously. I am not even joking - if there is a way to break something further then they will find it if you give them leave to do so.... Those fools!


I find that to be the funnest part of Forza! Just make it my mission to get them back harder :D

It annoys the shit out of me for two reasons.
A: It's not realistic at ALL. In real life drivers avoid doing that at all possible.
B: How am I supposed drive super touchy cars with that bullshit.


You can select difficulty and aggression in arcade
If you are very determined you can run them off the road. I tried one day.
If you are parked on the driving line they will go around...
And on occasion the finishing order on some of the more evenly matched series will change up some.
There is AI in there. Just not the most brilliant.
I find the AI to be that bad in most driving games. I like to use the other cars to bounce back unto the track, because it's not like you get any huge repercussions for doing so, lol. Just before losing control of your car due to bad speed/placement, just ram into the side of the other car and try to steady your car.

It works in many games, unless they have strong crash physics.


New Member
I think dumb AI in racing games is a good thing because it allows amateurs to get good enough to play against smart real racers like myself.


It's quite hard getting a realistic AI, but again the developers could of improved the AI in this game. They seem a little bit too robotic, if you get in their path they just over take you without any hesitation and keep on going, I would be very pleased if they completely revamped the AI in the next GT game.