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GTA is a game with full of fun and entertainment. GTA is the first game of its type. I love the beach area in this game. I love to ride the bike near this area. It feels so peaceful in that location. What is your favorite location in any title of GTA?


New Member
There are sometimes I like the scenery like a beach or deserted area but other times I like the crowded cities. Commotion is what I need sometimes in a game like this.
It's actually the motorways/highways around the map. Whenever I get bored or just need to relax, I will just get a car or a vehicle and just drive around the map on the highways and roads. It's just fun and helps you to relax so much. My other favourite location would have to be the hills where the observatory is located.


I remember the location near the beach in GTA and the golf course are the ones that I liked to frequent once in a while.
GTA is a game with full of fun and entertainment. GTA is the first game of its type. I love the beach area in this game. I love to ride the bike near this area. It feels so peaceful in that location. What is your favorite location in any title of GTA?
Exactly. Beach is the only play where I feel peace, I guess.


The highway? That's pretty common, it's not really considered because every street has it and there is no good view to see.


Active Member
My favorite location in GTA is wherever the chaos is. A huge shootout with explosions everywhere and players dying left and right? - I'm down!. A huge dogfight in the skies? - I got my Hydra ready and waiting.


New Member
Well I cannot help but tie it into the no swimming post from earlier where that would be my favorite if they were to allow it. Other than that though I might have to say the casinos too as those are always fun to explore.