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Your favorite First Person Shooter?

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What is your favorite FPS? I have to say mine would be Counter Strike: Global Offensive. It has adequate graphics and there is a HUGE competitive gaming scene for this game, as far as making professional teams to fight against each other.


Hmm, I'd have to say.. atleast at moment.. NeoTokyo, I love super awesome tactical stuff and how if you work really well with your team you can have an incredible match.


I don't really know. When I think first person shooter, I think of Call of Duty for some reason. I really did enjoy Borderlands 2 and can't wait for the pre-sequel to come out. Maybe Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon? That was an awesome DLC that I really couldn't get out of my head, just because everything about was so neon-drenched and techno, it was brilliant. I can't really say The Last of Us because that's a third person game. Okay, it's probably Portal 2, and yes, it counts as a first person shooter because you're in first person and you're shooting portals. Yeah, that's probably my favorite, the game was so well done. Either than or Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Check both out, they are massively fun to play.
I've played a ton of CrossFire over the years. It's basically a Counter-Strike clone but you can keep your guns. I played a lot of it when my parents didn't let me spend money on games and the game itself grew on me.


Combat arms if my favorite. I just like the ability that you can customize many things in the game all from guns, clothes, buy different characters. There are also many game modes, my favourite was Spy Hunt because it is kinda FFA mode but much more interesting when you collect 5 boxes and become super powerful Spy with minigun, bazooka and flamethrower. Oh yea and my other favorite FPS would be Warrock. It was actually first FPS i ever played.


Well-Known Member
The first Counter Strike would be my favorite. I haven't played any of the recent ones so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it played the first verso. A lot with my friends so I have many fond memories of it.
The first Counter Strike would be my favorite. I haven't played any of the recent ones so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it played the first verso. A lot with my friends so I have many fond memories of it.

Counter Strike: GO for me. I didn't really have much experience with the older Counter Strikes, and I just recently got back on Steam again, so GO is my go to shooter at the moment. I loved the rank play on it so it's probably a game I'm going to stick with for a while.


Well-Known Member
Counter Strike: GO for me. I didn't really have much experience with the older Counter Strikes, and I just recently got back on Steam again, so GO is my go to shooter at the moment. I loved the rank play on it so it's probably a game I'm going to stick with for a while.
I'm sure it plays pretty much the same as the older versions and it's probably even more fun because of new maps. I've been wanting to give it a go but haven't gotten around to it. I'm looking forward to checking it out soon.


Counter Strike Global Offensive would be my favorite first person shooter also. I wasn't playing on playing it, but it was on sale on steam so I started playing it. Now after some time I still enjoy playing it and because my friends play it too it never gets boring.


My favorite first person shooter is Red Orchestra 2. It is quite realistic, and is very fun. I prefer realistic shooters, I like being scared of bullets, not rambo'ing through them. A single rifle bullet could spell the end of your life, so you have to use cover frequently, and no sprinting in the open, or you will die.


I am not that much into PVP shooters where you are shooting each other with no purpose. On the other hand, I really loved playing Far Cry 3. It's one of the best games ever made.


Hm, probably Counter Strike 1.6. Well, to be honest, that's all I have. I don't really spend much time on first person shooters, usually MOBA games like League of Legends.

ray king

I prefer Third person shooters, but Battlefield 4 and Crysis 3 were games that just had to be played irrespective of that. And yeah, Counter Strike will always be a favorite along with Halo and Half Life
I've played many first person shooters. I'd say that Call of Duty is pretty interesting for me. The graphics are pretty good and the gameplay is also pretty good itself.


I prefer Third person shooters, but Battlefield 4 and Crysis 3 were games that just had to be played irrespective of that. And yeah, Counter Strike will always be a favorite along with Halo and Half Life
I have seen a lot of people mentioning Hal;f Life series as one of the best first person shooters. I personally don't see it as a great shooter. Yes, the gameplay mechanics were great, but a[art from that, there was nothing else special about that.


New Member
My favourite FPS would have to be either Battlefield 3, CS:GO or Arma 3, if that counts. I'm sure there are more that I really enjoyed but I can't think of any more right now :3
Bioshock, specifically Infinite, is my favorite FPS. I'm not a big fan of FPS games, but I love story driven games, and the Bioshock franchise have such an interesting story that I just love the whole game regardless. The FPS mechanics are decent in these games, though vastly improved on Bioshock Infinite, but I feel like at the end of the day the gameplay is a bit secondary to what they're trying to accomplish.


Far Cry 3 and Battlefield 3... The previous when I just want to wander around and shoot stuff, the latter when I want some godo multiplayer action. Team Fortress 2 when my friends want to get around to trading and sharking.


Well-Known Member
I prefer Third person shooters, but Battlefield 4 and Crysis 3 were games that just had to be played irrespective of that. And yeah, Counter Strike will always be a favorite along with Halo and Half Life
I prefer third person shooters as well. There's something about seeing the character your using that's much more appealing to me. I guess it's because it doesn't feel as close up as FPS, but they both have their own charm to them.


At the moment my personal favorite is CS:GO. I really enjoy playing it and I don't know how a FPS can be any better than that.