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It's really smart. They have shown that they can be extremely flexible when it comes to strategy formulation and execution.


You can play old games on the new Xbox, right? I really would like to have an adult game console that only I can play. The kids can have their Wii. lol


The Xbox One for $349 doesn't have the Kinect, so what's going to happen with all those motion games that were planned?
Never mind, I just saw that you can still buy it separately. It's funny because Microsoft made it sound like there would be all these cool new action games and sports games that incorporated the Xbox One Kinect and I don't see that any of it happened.


Really? Is the Kinect not a popular thing anymore?
I mean, let's all wait and see on that account. None of us quite know where Microsoft is going with the Xbox One yet. Since they're so hellbent on making it the "complete entertainment package", they might find a way to properly implement the Kinect gameplay. It was kind of a sudden add-on for the 360, but who knows what they'll do from here on, pertaining to the motion and vocal functions of the Kinect.


I know for a while they were encouraging that it be used for more than just gaming. Maybe use it as a learning tool or research tool. I think they could go really far with the Kinect if they market it in a variety of ways.


I know for a while they were encouraging that it be used for more than just gaming. Maybe use it as a learning tool or research tool. I think they could go really far with the Kinect if they market it in a variety of ways.
Right? I still remember the commercials for the original Kinect that showed doctors, scientists, students and athletes using Kinect for various simulations and none of that ever panned out. The Illumniroom thing never happened either. It would have been so cool.



Desperation has begone to sink in, the good thing for them is that this will greatly increase some sales numbers for them but it will hurt them financially that's why its only for a limited time. They messed up from the beginning but we all know that by now but all the problems that have continued to plague them is not a good look for them. I might jump in and get one so i can play sunset overdrive. im a huge insomniac fan and that game looks amazing. like a game they made to just so you can just sit back and have fun like all the other amazing games they put out.


Desperation has begone to sink in, the good thing for them is that this will greatly increase some sales numbers for them but it will hurt them financially that's why its only for a limited time. They messed up from the beginning but we all know that by now but all the problems that have continued to plague them is not a good look for them. I might jump in and get one so i can play sunset overdrive. im a huge insomniac fan and that game looks amazing. like a game they made to just so you can just sit back and have fun like all the other amazing games they put out.
Oh, I'm still a bit sour about the whole initial "no used games and constant internet connection" thing they were going to incorporate. The WiiU hasn't really been marketed all that well. I think that the PS4 is on the most level footing at this time. Even so, I do want Sunset Overdrive. The game just looks like pure awesomeness.


Well-Known Member
I think they are doing this mostly to still remain competitive. I wouldn't be surprised if they were losing money by selling the consoles this cheap because I'm betting they just want the profits from any future video game you buy instead of it going to Sony. It's a worthy effort and I hope it works well for them. I'd like to buy one myself as well but I will probably still go with Sony.


Time for Samsung to make a game console. Could they?
I doubt it. It's a bit late in the game for Samsung to suddenly jump into the console war. Still, who knows? Microsoft didn't always make Xbox consoles. They were a computer company first after all.


Oh, I'm still a bit sour about the whole initial "no used games and constant internet connection" thing they were going to incorporate. The WiiU hasn't really been marketed all that well. I think that the PS4 is on the most level footing at this time. Even so, I do want Sunset Overdrive. The game just looks like pure awesomeness.

The Wii U was D.O.A. since the day it was released. And Microsoft did a terrible job with the messaging and packaging of the Xbox 1, if they would of advertised it like the did with the 360 and original xbox it would of went alot better for them. Sony pulled a miracle this gen because they really needed something to pull them out of the red zone. They lost alot of money with the PS3 even though in the end they sold more ps3 that the amount of 360's sold. It was too late they had lost a major market share to Microsoft and Nintendo.


The Wii U was D.O.A. since the day it was released. And Microsoft did a terrible job with the messaging and packaging of the Xbox 1, if they would of advertised it like the did with the 360 and original xbox it would of went alot better for them. Sony pulled a miracle this gen because they really needed something to pull them out of the red zone. They lost alot of money with the PS3 even though in the end they sold more ps3 that the amount of 360's sold. It was too late they had lost a major market share to Microsoft and Nintendo.
Well, Sony was able to use Xbox's major mistake as a stepping stone for their marketing. This time around, Sony was pretty clever with getting the market to side with them against Microsoft. As for the WiiU, I just don't know what will happen with that until all of the major exclusives come out.


Well, Sony was able to use Xbox's major mistake as a stepping stone for their marketing. This time around, Sony was pretty clever with getting the market to side with them against Microsoft. As for the WiiU, I just don't know what will happen with that until all of the major exclusives come out.

I still remember the how to share a game on ps4 video. I know that the Microsoft crew were pissed when they first saw it. I give Sony credit for capitalizing and taking back control even though it was sad to see them constantly beating a dead horse. Im sure this generation will go down in an EPIC fight between them to. Microsoft wont give up so easy they will begin throwing money around to get devs to side with them like they did with square and Tomb Raider. Even though this type of competition is hurtful to gamers its still good over all cause it keeps the companies more fair and honest.


I still remember the how to share a game on ps4 video. I know that the Microsoft crew were pissed when they first saw it. I give Sony credit for capitalizing and taking back control even though it was sad to see them constantly beating a dead horse. Im sure this generation will go down in an EPIC fight between them to. Microsoft wont give up so easy they will begin throwing money around to get devs to side with them like they did with square and Tomb Raider. Even though this type of competition is hurtful to gamers its still good over all cause it keeps the companies more fair and honest.
Oh, I found that "How to Share a Game" video hilarious. Plus, it was just some biting sarcasm aimed at Microsoft. Come on, they kind of deserved it. I agree that this upcoming gaming generation will probably be a total battlefield for Sony and Microsoft. Still, I wonder what that will mean for future games and such.


I see all this having a great future for gaming. This type of competition is always good as long as they dont take things too far to the point where it hurts gamers. They will try and beat each other through exclusives or lower prices which is good. Low prices and great games is a bright future ahead.
I really want to get an xbox one, the reason why is because forza. I am an adoring fan of forza and I will buy an xbox just to get it. So this price drop will hopefully let me do that.