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Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?

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I know when I was a kid I would have chose popular..... but now that I am older and knowing what I know now, I would absolutely chose smartest! Not just smarter, but smartest!
Nah. Basically, the two aren't mutually exclusive. One can be the most popular FOR being the smartest.

Or do American schools really work the way they do in movies where the smartest kid is usually a geek with no friends?


Nah. Basically, the two aren't mutually exclusive. One can be the most popular FOR being the smartest.

Or do American schools really work the way they do in movies where the smartest kid is usually a geek with no friends?

lol yes unfortunately the smartest kid id usually alienated and made fun of.. its sad but true.... one stereotype that is accurate.


I'd say the smartest, tough choice though. Being alienated it rough, but most popular kids nowadays aren't the ones I think will have a successful future, so being smart seems better in this scenario, for the long shot.


I'd say the smartest, tough choice though. Being alienated it rough, but most popular kids nowadays aren't the ones I think will have a successful future, so being smart seems better in this scenario, for the long shot.

True, unfortunately we don't learn that until we get older and mature a little more. lol
If I had the option, I would've chosen popular kid. Your childhood and teen years are really amazing years to be wasting it with your head immersed in a book. Sure you turn out rich when your older, but you also have to deal with the problems of age and it can be hard to find really good friends to just fool around with when your older and have graduated from school.


I was one of the smart kids in school but wanted to be popular. It doesn't hurt to be a little of both though.


I would want to be the smartest. Yes, there are benefits of being the popular kid, but in the long run, being the smartest will provide you more benefits than those few years that you were in the glory of being a popular kid.


I would want to be the smartest. Yes, there are benefits of being the popular kid, but in the long run, being the smartest will provide you more benefits than those few years that you were in the glory of being a popular kid.
In a sense you're right but being popular in high school could help you out in the real world.
A lot of times if you have the connects and the charisma, you'll get the job or other opportunities the person with just the smarts won't get.
Remember that saying "It's not what you know, it's who you know."


There is no substitute for intelligence. You can attain anything with it. Popularity is fleeting. Like your looks.


I rather be the smartest because the smartest kid always come out to be the riches, and the popular kid always ends up with like 3 divorces and health problems, debt and then calls on the smart kid that he used to be friends with for help.


The two isn't mutually exclusive.. I'm quite smart in school, but very popular. So I choose to be both. No need to choose ONE.


I would rather be the smartest kid in school, because there is more benefits for you if you're the smartest and not the most popular. You can still be popular in the school when you're the smartest, but you don't have to be the most popular :p


I would rather be the most smart kid in the school as I know that I would be able to outdo anyone, even the most popular kid one day.