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Would you like this on PC?

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Which one are you more hyped for?

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I just checked this game out, and it looks quite good. It looks better than I have expected, but then I saw it's only going to be available on PS4. Such a shame. The game looks good, and we need more good racing games on PC. Most of the good games are usually console exclusives, and we never get a taste of them. For example, we never got a Forza game on PC, we never got a Gran Turismo game, and we won't get this either, as it seems.

Also, how does this game compare to The Crew. They are a bit different games, obviously, but which one are you a bit more hyped for? Drive Club or The Crew?
I like any game that I can get on a PC, I use my PC everyday and game on it all of the time. However it seems like more and more developers are leaning away from home computer versions as the consoles come more than just game machines. But, still love my PC!


No, not really. I don't believe that Computers have been originally made to play games, and they should stay that way. For games we have amazing consoles, using our PC as one will only do damage to the hardware.


New Member
No, not really. I don't believe that Computers have been originally made to play games, and they should stay that way. For games we have amazing consoles, using our PC as one will only do damage to the hardware.
I don't agree with you GenevB, on this one. Computers are and have been used for video games for some time now. What do you think 'gaming computers' are used for? And I must confess that I've never heard of a PC being damaged by games, well, maybe if a game gets you so frustrated that you throw your PC out the window. I hope this post didn't seemed to harsh, but I just hate it when people fall for the marketing crap console makers spread around.


Active Member
More hyped for The Crew than Driveclub, I feel that The Crew is just better in almost every aspect. In any case I certainly would welcome it on the PC. Less console exclusives are always a good thing.


No, not really. I don't believe that Computers have been originally made to play games, and they should stay that way. For games we have amazing consoles, using our PC as one will only do damage to the hardware.

Let's not start a console-PC war here, and call each other console peasants, and what not. But did you read what you have said? Computers weren't originally made for playing games? Maybe not originally, but there have been games on PC for many, many years now. Also, playing games on PCs hurts your hardware just as much as it would hurt your console hardware. Other than that, you buy a console and you get pre-built characteristics. You can't change the amount of processor speed, the amount of graphic memory or RAM or anything on the console. You can only upgrade the HDD. On a PC, you can upgrade anything. Also, compare some game that recently came out PC Max settings vs PS4/XBONE. Consoles don't have the option to set your graphics to high, because the console can't perform any better than it does already. I'm sorry, but you have it all wrong. No console will ever perform as well as a gaming PC that costs around 1000$ can.
I guess I should have stated this when I brought up using my PC. When I buy a game that I plan on using on my PC then I buy the version that works on a PC and the operating system. My console games are bought for the console I have. I'm pretty specific on matching things like that up as I want the one the performs best and if they cross over then that's fine as well.


This was not a really good game to be honest. It was mediocre at best. So it won't matter much even if it's on PC.


Ah, well, no harm done then. The game looked interesting, from what I've seen in videos, but if you've already played it and you think it's nothing special, it probably isn't. I just watched some more videos of it and it seems okay but nothing too grand. Well, if it does go on PC, I may buy it. But I'll buy it for real cheap.
I would love this on PC, specifically on steam. Steam always has great deals and it also helps that I have a graphics heavy computer, perfect for this game. The game play would be so much nicer on PC and in my opinion would be worth the buy. It's not fair how console gets all of the good racing games and us PC gamers are not left with much.


Exactly my thoughts. Why do the consoles always get good racing games, and we get a fairly smaller number of good ones? For example, Forza Horizon 2 or, pretty much, any Forza game ever and Drive Club. I would like these games on PC, as well. I am a huge fan of cars, racing and racing games, but I am not a console gamer, I am a PC gamer. Why do I get left out because I am a PC gamer?
I played this game for a few hours and I must say I wasn't impressed at all. It definitely looked beautiful, but the racing mechanics weren't all that good and felt weird. Considering all the problems surrounding this game and the bad rep they're getting because of it I don't see it doing too well on PC.
I think PC games are pretty good. But they're really reliant on a good video card and other good computer specs. If you have a bad computer, then don't even think about looking into the current-gen games! Their system requirements are way too high.


Active Member
I wouldn't mind if the game was available on PC, but I don't really mind that it's not. There are still plenty of great racers available on PC right now.


Well, yeah. To enjoy games with amazing graphics and good FPS, you need a good gaming rig. If you want to have better graphics than a console, or to be able to play the game at all, you need a computer that can run it. For some, like myself, building a rig presents some sort of a joy and satisfaction, especially when you look at the results and see how big of an improvement you have made. PC gaming is a bit more expensive, but also a lot more rewarding, in my opinion. And I hate that many good games don't come out on PC, at all, because the developers are lazy, I guess, to make a GOOD PC port.


To really enjoy a game on the PC you need a desktop with a very up to date processor and memory and graphics card. I prefer the feel of a control in my hands and while all that is possible on the PC it still feels better to play games like Crew and Mario Kart on my console.


I just checked this game out, and it looks quite good. It looks better than I have expected, but then I saw it's only going to be available on PS4. Such a shame. The game looks good, and we need more good racing games on PC. Most of the good games are usually console exclusives, and we never get a taste of them. For example, we never got a Forza game on PC, we never got a Gran Turismo game, and we won't get this either, as it seems.

Also, how does this game compare to The Crew. They are a bit different games, obviously, but which one are you a bit more hyped for? Drive Club or The Crew?

Its true that PC's miss out on some console exclusive racing games but as every PC master race representative will tell you "PC's have way more games than consoles" This is true for racers although most of them are very bad and not worth even looking at, every once in a while you get a nice jewel dropped on you. The thing about it is that the vast majority of PC gamers are either FPS, MOBA or MMO players this is why these are the games that are mostly advertised and talked about and so few Racing games are ever mentioned and brought to light.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been able to try either but from the details I do know of both, I find The Crew to be a bit more interesting. I think it would be a good addition to have on PC. It's good to have options on where you want to play certain games.
I was also disappointed that it was only for PS4, but surely you know someone who has one? Rent the game, try it out, and if it's not to your liking, move on. I personally love it. I am a PC man over a console any day of the week, but brand new games (it's only been released since October) require nearly brand new computers to run them adequately. I cannot afford to upgrade my computer very often, so I guess, at least for me it's best a game I enjoy so much is available on a format that isn't a computer.