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Would you like this on PC?

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Which one are you more hyped for?

  • Total voters


More hyped for the Crew but only because I haven't gotten a chance to play Drive Club but I had been pretty interested in it since its preelease but it doesn't seem like its as good as it was supposed to be.


As far as the "computers where not meant for games", damn dude, the first games ever where created on hardware that WASN'T supposed to play games! It was just computer scientists bored, playing around with stuff, thinking "hey, wouldn't it be great if instead we used this thingy to count how much electricity passes through those cables we used it to play tennis virtually, bro?"! Learn your history, youngsters!

And WHY shouldn't computers have games? If you couldn't play Civilization on your computer, would it be as fun on a console? Maniac Mansion? Day of the Tentacle? Even FPS's are better to control with a keyboard and mouse than with twin sticks - don't take my word on it, ask the companies creating them why they don't add cross-play most of the time between consoles and PCs ("it would be bad for the console gamers - mice have more accuracy and thus PC gamers would be better at aiming").

Games like Assassin's Creed, on the other hand, are better with a joypad, and more fun to play in your living room, maybe with friends, than alone in front of a PC monitor.

If you actually think about it, the question in the end isn't about the platform as a platform, but about the controller you use and where you play the game: alone on your PC or with others on your TV. Would you mind if instead of a PlayStation or Xbox you had a PC under your TV, in a same-sized box, playing the same games, but with a controller? (Yeah, I know, "hello Steam Machines"). Would it feel wrong if you played a strategy game on your PS4, but sitting on your desk, on a normal monitor, with mouse and keyboard?

As Sony themselves had correctly said when first "revealing" the PS4 (actually only its joypad), "the box doesn't matter. The experience is all that matters".


New Member
Every game should be on the PC honestly. I just feel like the PC gaming community is better than all the console ones combined! Drive club and forza games could be making so much money by bringing their games to the glorious master PC race.


@amig0enemig0 Heh, yeah, but no, because "exclusives" :p

Microsoft just said that "she's bringing gaming back to Windows", though, and they ARE trying to re-invigorate the PC market ('cause less PCs sold mean less Windows and Office licences sold), so... You never know..! Now, where's my Halo and Forza, not that my Xbox 360 has gone the way of the Dodo? Damn my RRoD... At least my PS3 still works.


I heard the reviews regarding the Drive Club and I'm disappointed with it. I prefer to play The Crew on PC. If the Drive Club manage to do what it needs to be done, I'll buy it.


Well-Known Member
More hyped for the Crew but only because I haven't gotten a chance to play Drive Club but I had been pretty interested in it since its preelease but it doesn't seem like its as good as it was supposed to be.
Same here, I think the Crew is a little bit more interesting and surprisingly I wasn't even paying attention to that game initially. It was only after I uncovered details on both games that I ultimately gathered that Drive Club seems to be a bit too basic but the graphics are great.


Active Member
DriveClub should have been so much more. It never hurts when a game comes to PC from consoles, though. Well, unless it's done horribly.
I didn't vote the poll, because I'm not interested in any of the game, so just as for a suggestion there should be an option to vote "neither of them". I think that both of those games are thrashy and nothing special, just boring ones.


New Member
The Crew is surprising fun, and reviews for it aren't that bad either. The Drive Club seems overhyped up to me, and I doubt that they can actually deliver if I buy it. There might be good post-Christmas offers- if they are good I might buy it to try it out.


Drive Club, definitely. It looks so much better than the Crew. The Crew is kind of a disappointment for me, I played the beta and even then it didn't feel like a game that I would pay 60$ for.


Seems like this forum is really mixed on if they prefer the crew or drive club, i suppose my biggest problem with drive club is they promised a lot but don't seem like they delivered on anything.
I really think that PC could use a lot more racing games. Sure, we've got Project CARS and Assetto Corsa, but they can't really compete with console tier racing games such as Gran Turismo or Forza.


Active Member
I really think that PC could use a lot more racing games. Sure, we've got Project CARS and Assetto Corsa, but they can't really compete with console tier racing games such as Gran Turismo or Forza.

Yeah, the PC is neglected as far as racing games are concerned. D:


Active Member
I wish this game was on PC, but I guess it's a PS4 exclusive and it's going to remain at that. It sucks because you can't play the game to its full potential on consoles.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree. As much as I hate that modern games focus too much on graphics, I admit seeing great graphics on screen at the game's full potential is still amazing so it really is better to go for more powerful machines when it's possible.


No, I dont want to see this on PC and here's why:

If exclusives began coming to PC more and more what's the point of buying the console? What's the point of it being exclusive? I know it sucks but most exclusive devs are from the companies that own the consoles. And besides I wouldn't want to deal with entitled "pcmasterrace" people on the game's community. I actually hate PCMR.

Denis Hard

No, I don't want to see this on PC and here's why:

If exclusives began coming to PC more and more what's the point of buying the console? What's the point of it being exclusive? I know it sucks but most exclusive devs are from the companies that own the consoles.
Agreed. It's all about the money. The console companies could have the games made exclusively for their console to force those who want to play the game to buy the console. They'd make more money in the process. It's all business. Should the games be available on PC, they lose money.

That's why some console games never will be on PC.


Can I choose both? I just want to play them all. When I was younger the only time I got to play racing games was at the arcade. Now you can do it all on your PC or on your console. I just like to play them all and win.