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Would you buy a remastered Just Cause 2?

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Active Member
If they did an HD remake of JC2, would you purchase it? I'd give it a shot if the game was $39.99 or so, but I wouldn't pay full price for the game again.


Active Member
I don't think I would honestly.

I mean we've got JC3 just around the corner and to come out with a HD remake of the second one would not make that much sense.


Honestly in a weird way I think that I really enjoyed that game. For me I think that the grappling hook was the most fun that I had in the game. Sometimes I would sit for hours and just grapple my way around the city.

I think the main problem that I had with the game is that the story was too weak and many times I felt lost in the game. For me I think that might be the deal killer for me in getting a remastered version of the game.


Active Member
I don't really know, I think JC3 will be pretty good and it would be kind of dumb to pay for a JC2 remake as well :p. Maybe in 10 years or so an HD remake will be good, but not right now.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't. There are a lot more games out there that I like a lot more that I would prefer to spend money on as a remaster. I don't think there is enough in this game, for me, to pay full price again.


Active Member
Honestly in a weird way I think that I really enjoyed that game. For me I think that the grappling hook was the most fun that I had in the game. Sometimes I would sit for hours and just grapple my way around the city.

You're not the only one! :p I'm pretty sure that's 90% of what people play Just Cause 2 for. It might even be 90% of what people play JC3 for!


Active Member
You're not the only one! :p I'm pretty sure that's 90% of what people play Just Cause 2 for. It might even be 90% of what people play JC3 for!

Every game or series has some sort of gimmick that gets people coming back, so maybe the grappling hook is the Just Cause gimmick?
Yeah. As others said above me, we already have Just Cause 3 and Just Cause 2 is fine as it is. If anything, they should make proper mod tools to keep the JC2 community going strong, since I feel that would benefit JC2 way more than just a gimmicky remastered edition.


I never really liked doing remasters unless the game is completely old. I mean it kinda reminds me of them doing The Last of Us remastered. While, it did look way more beautiful and presented a lot of "ooooooo and awww"

It should be noted pointing out that the graphics great and didn't really need a upgrade.


Active Member
Depends on the price I guess. Given how Just Cause 2 has been on sale for real cheap on Steam, I might consider forking out a little (less than 10 dollars) for a HD remaster.


No, I wouldn't. I'd buy Just Cause 3. Besides, JC2 isn't really that outdated to have HD remake made for it, it's graphics are still quite up to date.


New Member
I don't think I would since I put a lot of time in Just Cause 2 in the past. We have Just Cause 3 now and I'd rather just play that. There are some things in Just Cause 2 I like better than in 3 but overall I feel 3 is a big improvement.


I personally would. Just Cause 3 to me was a huge disappointment, and I much preferred the second game to it. So being able to play it with remastered visuals and graphics would be awesome.


Well I have never been one to spend money on things that are "remastered" or a new edition or anything like that. I think that I just fail to see the complete value of it, and on top of me already being very cheap and frugal, it is just easier for me to pass. I will certainly play the game and enjoy it, but when it comes to shelling out the money, I cannot say that I would be me.


I would. I also bought the remastered GTA V as well, so I figure I won't be disappointing myself as that was one of my favorite games at the time as well.