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Will you ever get tired of them?

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Mario kart is the type of game I play with friends so I don't get burnt out too easily. It's a casual game so I don't play it for hours on end.


Well-Known Member
Mario kart is the type of game I play with friends so I don't get burnt out too easily. It's a casual game so I don't play it for hours on end.
This is very true. Good point. When the game is the type best played with friends it gets old at a much slower rate. I can play any version of this, Bomberman, or Tekken with my friends, even the oldest ones, until today for example.


New Member
Mario kart will always be on the top of my racing games list. I just really like the graphics and who doesn't like playing Mario kart with some good ol' friends? I remember spending hours upon hours just playing with my cousins.


Mario kart will always be on the top of my racing games list. I just really like the graphics and who doesn't like playing Mario kart with some good ol' friends? I remember spending hours upon hours just playing with my cousins.

Yeah, it looks pretty nice, and feels less 'serious' than other racing games, I guess that's what attracts me so much to the game, the childish theme in the general game, though it isn't that childish (more of a family game actually)

Of course you'll get mad when you get hit by a blue shell or so, though since it doesn't feel that serious, it's not such a big deal, making the game way less stressful than other games.


Nope I have been playing Mario Kart from since I was three and I have never ever lost the love that I have for the game and I do not think that I will be losing it any time soon.


New Member
I don't think its actually possible to get tired of Mario Kart! I've played since Double Dash, and the experience keeps getting better and better. That feeling when sniping the player in front of you with a green shell makes me feel like a kid again.


Active Member
I've been playing for over a decade. I don't see it getting much older than it already has in the literal sense.
I don't think I will ever get tired of any Mario Kart game that has been released. That's the beauty of Nintendo games, ten years later you still get the urge to play them even after thousands of hours spent on them. The replay value of their games is on another level of crazy.


Nope. But if I get tired of it. I'll just watch some YouTubers play this game. And it will strike to me that this game is awesome.
If I will end up moving somewhere where I'll have no friends to play it with, then I'll definitely get bored of it. If I'll keep on playing it with friends over drinking games, then no sir, no way I'm getting bored of it.


I might get tired of the game, but not the series. For example, I haven't played Mario Kart 8 in a while, but Mario Kart is a really fun series. Also, I'm most likely gonna end up playing Mario Kart sometime this weekend. Mario Kart isn't a game series that you just get tired of :p


Well-Known Member
Mario kart will always be on the top of my racing games list. I just really like the graphics and who doesn't like playing Mario kart with some good ol' friends? I remember spending hours upon hours just playing with my cousins.
Agreed. I always like it when racing games add more elements to it to spice up the racing genre. I've gotten bored with just trying to be the fastest over the years, so power ups definitely give it a breath of fresh air.


Active Member
Mario Kart 8 makes for endless fun, even though the game has remained relatively the same through multiple iterations. There's just some magic there!