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Will you be getting Watch Dogs?

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We are told that it is due for release between April and June this year. The game looks really promising though. Here's a gameplay trailer with commentary:


It certainly looks promising indeed! I'll wait until a couple of weeks after release and see what the consensus is first.

Berberita Ion

New Member
I will buy it for sure, It seems very good and I hope my expectations will be reached. But I will wait till the price will be lower.


Looks great, hope the delay makes it well worth it though. Real shame for it to be delayed again and again and again, I just want to play it!


I have it preordered but I am kind of sad about the U PLAY thing. Why won't they just let me play i through Steam!


Oh yes! Watch Dogs is the only game I've been waiting for the whole year! No other game picked my interest so much like Watch Dogs.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I probably will. It looks very well made and the mechanics look great as well. Also, I like the setting as I prefer playing in cities than in forests or castles any day.


The next big releases that I am looking forward to are GTA V and Watch Dogs. The trailer looks promising. I hope the story and gameplay are worth the hype.
I will get Watch Dogs if it ever comes out....... ever. I really hope it doesn't get delayed again. That game looks so interesting and I think it will be the first truly next gen game. You could say I'm pretty excited.


No doubt. Watch Dogs is a special game : good looking, promising, with an innovative gameplay. The story will be decent too, as well as the MP.


I must say that it looks good from the trailer. I will have to wait for people to give their reviews about it before I decide whether to get it or not.


I must say that it looks good from the trailer. I will have to wait for people to give their reviews about it before I decide whether to get it or not.
I have read about it in many websites so far. I hope it delivers the performance that has been hyped up so far.


It has suffered a very big graphics downgrade since the E3 trailer, which is really bad! It looks very bad now compared to how it looked in the trailer.


Nah i won't because it is so expensive. And i'm not willing to pay like 40€ for a freaking game. I can easily find free to play games with similar or a bit lower gameplay or graphics. But paying that high amount for a single game is just too much for me. It is just not worth it.


I was strongly considered it at one point but on a whim I decided to wait and boy am I glad I did. What a mess that game turned out to be..


It really depends. If reviews are very strong and positive, I may buy it. If reviews are just ok or poor, I will not spend money on it. It looks promising but I don't know yet.


Well-Known Member
I have read about it in many websites so far. I hope it delivers the performance that has been hyped up so far.
I recently saw a screenshot of it comparing the supposed final product from the trailer and it looks like they won't be delivering on that promise graphics-wise, which I personally don't mind but I think that if it's true then it would be a huge disservice to the early adopters of new consoles.