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Will Nintendo ever lose its place as king of portable gaming?

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Jun Yun

In my opinion, as long as there's Pokemon, it's impossible for Nintendo to lose that title. That game alone is worth so much to them, you wouldn't even know.


I cant say not but anything is possible because as we can see right now the WII U is really struggling to get any kind of traction in the market place. What I know is that right now they have most of the control when it comes to the portable games market. One thing to note though is that smartphone handheld gaming is going to continue to grow so I think that is where Nintendo will begin to face its biggest challenges.


Nintendo has secured the portable gaming market by being innovative and taking initiative to develop such games long before any other company. Almost every gamer once owned a gameboy console. Nintendo however needs to create a modern portable game to get back up sales in that department.


Well-Known Member
@Jun Yun you brought up a very interesting point. I myself never bothered with Pokemon but always noticed that it's one of the games that continues to maintain its fame. Even my 6yeR old nephew is very interested in it despite the game and cartoons being over a decade old already.


Nintendo is never going to lose its place as a king. They proved themselves back in the 80's and 90's. They have a fantastic history of games and consoles, I doubt that anyone can take their place. If I had to choose a company that would be second in line, it would be Sony.


I don't think that nintendo will soon lose its place as king of portable gaming, but it definetly isn't impossible. There are newer and newer portable consoles being released and maybe some day nintento will have to give its corwn away to someone else. But as I said this time might not come very soon, so no worries about that.


Maybe not now but, one day in the future. Nintendo has been a household name for many decades. Sony entertainment is a fairly recent addition, The younger generation is more attracted to Sony.

ray king

I think fan loyalty will keep Nintendo alive for a long time, and I hope it only gets better. For a long time the only name that meant portable gaming was Nintendo, and for some people it still is.


Well-Known Member
I think fan loyalty will keep Nintendo alive for a long time, and I hope it only gets better. For a long time the only name that meant portable gaming was Nintendo, and for some people it still is.
Agreed. We might not notice it today but children are still being introduced to Nintendo all over the world, so there will probably always be someone out there to appreciate new products from them as long as they continue to make good ones.


NOPE NOPE NOPE. That's never going to happen. They know exactly what they are doing with that. They arn't losing a penny to mobile gaming because that's not gaming. That's cash in crap games. Anybody who actually plays games wants something more interesting then that. It's why I love my 3DS so much. Being able to play games like Fire Emblem on the go is freaking awesome.

Agreed, mobile games aren't really games. Mobile games are played on the toilet by bored people with phones. They have nowhere near the quality of the games available for the Nintendo DS and 3DS. I don't think Nintendo is going anywhere. If their next console fails, they can focus exclusively on handheld games.


Nintendo's demographic of users are kids, and kids make it easy to sell to parents. As long as kids want to play their games and buy their products, they will never lose their spot as King of portable gaming.


Nintendo's demographic of users are kids, and kids make it easy to sell to parents. As long as kids want to play their games and buy their products, they will never lose their spot as King of portable gaming.
Plus, there are adults that still buy the consoles/handhelds for nostalgia or they're lifelong Nintendo fans. I have to admit, Nintendo (and SEGA) do pretty good jobs of "sticking with you". They've made several people's childhoods.


In my opinion, as long as there's Pokemon, it's impossible for Nintendo to lose that title. That game alone is worth so much to them, you wouldn't even know.
True. There are dedicated fans, young and old, to the Pokemon games. Even I kind of find them cool. Still, that's more my daughter's department.


Agreed. We might not notice it today but children are still being introduced to Nintendo all over the world, so there will probably always be someone out there to appreciate new products from them as long as they continue to make good ones.
Every new generation gets their own introduction to Nintendo. I just think that Nintendo is one of those things that will stick around for an indefinite amount of time, and make history while doing so. Even as one that prefers SEGA, I admit to the huge impact Nintendo has had on gaming history.


Well-Known Member
Every new generation gets their own introduction to Nintendo. I just think that Nintendo is one of those things that will stick around for an indefinite amount of time, and make history while doing so. Even as one that prefers SEGA, I admit to the huge impact Nintendo has had on gaming history.
I'm more of a Sega fan as well but yeah I agree, Nintendo has a clearer vision of their place in the market and they run the company very well from what I've seen. I think I saw one documentary that stated they could fail one or two consoles and still have enough backup funds saved up to keep afloat.


Plus, there are adults that still buy the consoles/handhelds for nostalgia or they're lifelong Nintendo fans. I have to admit, Nintendo (and SEGA) do pretty good jobs of "sticking with you". They've made several people's childhoods.

Yes and I'm one of them! lol I love the Super NES games and N64. I never really got into the Game Cube though. They lost me there for a while, but I enjoy the Wii a lot.


Yes and I'm one of them! lol I love the Super NES games and N64. I never really got into the Game Cube though. They lost me there for a while, but I enjoy the Wii a lot.
I admit that I've always been a bit more biased to SEGA. Still, Nintendo makes some pretty good games and consoles as well. I do like them, though, and I do hope that some kind of breakthrough comes in for the WiiU's sales. People are so quick to say that it's a failure. I think that it still needs to reach its potential.


I'm more of a Sega fan as well but yeah I agree, Nintendo has a clearer vision of their place in the market and they run the company very well from what I've seen. I think I saw one documentary that stated they could fail one or two consoles and still have enough backup funds saved up to keep afloat.
That makes sense. Nintendo has been quite innovative in the gaming industry and keeps putting out new installments of their most popular games. I'm sure that Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon could be the only games that they kept going, and they'd still be fine.
i dont think they will ever lose their throne persay, but you can never understimate a company coming up with a product that changes the game completely