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Why was DriveClub postponed?

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Ghost Rider

A lot of people were expecting a superb racing game at the launch of the PS4. But I guess that they have to wait until the first quarter of 2014 because the developers have delayed the release of DriveClub. Why do you guys think that this game was postponed? Budget? Improvements? Marketing strategy? Cold feet?

Denis Hard

I guess it's got more to do with the need to ensure that the fans are not disappointed with the game. Fact is since they intended to release it earlier suggests that the developers had either completed their work or were close to completing it but the game testers [who must check out the game first] returned negative feedback and so. . .back to the drawing board.


New Member
This game was too important for the PS4. Why they reported.
In the demo, the game already seemed very successful. So why?

There could be a little competition with Forza 5 ....
I hope we will see as soon as possible in 2014! I can not wait to try it.

Ghost Rider

I guess it's got more to do with the need to ensure that the fans are not disappointed with the game. Fact is since they intended to release it earlier suggests that the developers had either completed their work or were close to completing it but the game testers [who must check out the game first] returned negative feedback and so. . .back to the drawing board.
Whoa, I didn't know that there was negative feedback with regards to Driveclub. What do you think could have lead to the negative feedback received by the game? Did it have a lot of bugs? Was the control off? Were the graphics sub par?
Whoa, I didn't know that there was negative feedback with regards to Driveclub. What do you think could have lead to the negative feedback received by the game? Did it have a lot of bugs? Was the control off? Were the graphics sub par?

There is no way to know, is there. No way to predict either. Even the negative feedback thing was a guess.


New Member
I thought it had something to do with the PlayStation Network being under maintenance until 2014. I heard it from somewhere but I forget from who, anyways it give developers time to fix more and add more to the game. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing but a longer waiting period than expected.


New Member
There are rumours floating around sites like NeoGaf that say that Driveclub was delayed because PSN isn't ready for a game as connected as it, speaking to people who have played it at trade shows the game needed some spit and polish anyway.

Sony also has GT6 coming out this year, and probably didn't want both of there big racing IP's to launch at the same time and cannibalise sales from each other.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably give the same guess as Screenager has stated. It looks to be one of the most online centric games that will have come out on home consoles thus far, and I think it will benefit from a more stable network before flooding the gates with a bunch of racing fans eager to race with and against each other online.


It was for improvements. Evolution were the ones to actually make that call to postpone the game, not Sony as a whole. They felt the game's feature set wasn't up to par just yet.

Personally, I'm glad they did that. Too many developers push their games out just to say "we'll patch it later" or "we'll at it as DLC".

And rather a developer delay a game and try to give me a complete product rather than the majority that willingly sell me a half complete product, just to expect me to "buy the rest" when they feel like selling it to me as DLC.


I think so too, it's preferable that the game takes a little longer to get out than be sold to us piece by piece as DLC.


I think so too, it's preferable that the game takes a little longer to get out than be sold to us piece by piece as DLC.

That's the problem that the industry currently has. "Why finish the game now when we can get the money now and the charge for the rest later?"

Don't get me wrong, I don't like/condone games getting pushed back. But I'd rather that than go through a long stream of nickle and diming.


My problem with DLC is that is pre-planned and ready to go at release. They just want to charge us for it. That is a fact.


@dannyboy- you didn't hear? DriveClub is coming out this March. And as promised, the F2P version will still be available on PS Plus, stripped down of course, but "free" regardless.

@jbeavis100- that's one of my issues with DLC as well. It's one thing to have an idea AFTER a game is released. But to have these things planned out, well before release is a clear showing of trying to squeeze the customer for every dime possible


My problem with DLC is that is pre-planned and ready to go at release. They just want to charge us for it. That is a fact.

That is the worst, even worse when the DLC is available day-one, I think it was Mass Effect 3 that have some big DLC on the first day, why not just pack it into the game?!
Oh because you can charge 10$ extra like this? I get it...

Worst part is that people actually buy those things


Yeah, that DLC was actually quite important too to the overall lore of the series and they stripped it out and decided to charge for it. You learn quite a bit from Jaavik about his people and such and it's bullcrap that they did that.


I kind of find it funny how no one cared about driveclub until it got delayed. Personally for me it's better to delay a game than launch a rushed product.


I kind of find it funny how no one cared about driveclub until it got delayed. Personally for me it's better to delay a game than launch a rushed product.

That's not true. People cared about it just fine. It's just people cared about it MORE because it gave fanboys something to do