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Why have you chosen PC over Console?

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New Member
This question is interesting to me as many of my friends play their games on Console, and I am the only one who is a PC gamer. When they ask me why I chose PC over console, I answer that the graphics are better, and it is easier. I am really interested in other people's reasons why they have chosen PC over console. Why have chosen PC over Console?


It's the same for me, given that your pc are equipped with latest hardware any game would be playing smoothly. Also with the use of emulators you can actually play any game in any platform.


New Member
I agree, the quality of the PC's graphic is better and the game performance is better too. PC games are more accessible for me, I can easily get the PC game that I like. You can play everything on the PC, there is a lot of variety of games that choose even the console has. I use the internet too while playing the game because when I don't know what to do I immediately ask google.


New Member
For me, four things:
  • I believe that the graphics on PC games are much better than on console games. This is because the hardware on PCs is more powerful, so the developers can create games that look more realistic.
  • Another reason why I prefer PC gaming is that it is easier to control. With a mouse and keyboard, you have much more precision than you do with a gamepad.
  • Console controllers also tend to wear out quickly, while keyboards and mice can last for many years.
  • Finally, I think that PC games are often more affordable than console games. There are many great indie games that are only available on PC, and they are usually much cheaper than big-budget console games.