Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

NASCAR 14 Which do you prefer to use?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Active Member
The multiplayer experience on Playstation consoles is terrible. Microsoft has Sony beat hands down here because its servers are more ready to handle heavy loads and provide a smoother experience. Sony's servers go down all the time, and you won't find that happening on Xbox 360/One.


xbox console?
Or the playstation console?

I like the playstation console because its what I've always used when playing Nascar...and I like it. Haven't really accepted the xbox as yet which is another reason too, what about you

Which do you prefer to use?
I prefer the playstation over the Xbox. I have been a fan of Playstation since the first one, but I currently own a Xbox 360. I plan on getting a PS4 soon.


I used to prefer the xbox hands down, but I've been using the playstation more lately and I actually enjoy it more than I thought that I would. I don't know about the newest consoles though, I've heard the xbox one has the ps4 beat hands down.
I wonder if I like Playstation because that was the first console past the nintendos that gave me the "WOW" factor? I mean, it was the first one that made me think of them as more than just a fun game. The original playstations made gaming more of a hobby than something to do on a rainy day.


Playstation. I'm sort of a graphics type of guy, so even if the Playstation had worse controls (by the way, it really fucking doesn't, contrary to some trolls' opinions) I'd still go for the Playstation over the XBOX.
Looks like I'm just a Playstation kind of guy. I think I've turned on the Xbox only a few times over the course of the winter. I'm guessing that's because most of the games I really enjoy are for my Playstation. Thinking about selling the Xbox for some pocket money.


Active Member
I'd take Playstation over XBOX anyday. I'm a really big fan of Sony's products and the PS4 is a remarkable product. PS4 > XBONE for me, but it's just my preference.