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What's Your Portable Gaming Console Of Choice?

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New Member
There are several portable gaming consoles on the market today, such as the Sony PSP, Sony Vita, and Nintendo DS. Which portable gaming machine do you like the best? Do you own more than one? What games do you use your portable gaming console to play?

Also, which console currently has the best racing games and offers the best performance while playing those games?


Well-Known Member
I've only ever owned the PSP, but I have had the chance to hold and play around with the other ones like Gameboy, Game Gear, and Nintendo DS. My favorite is PSP, and it's why I bought it in the first place. It didn't have the high graphics like the Vita now has, but I don't pay much attention to that anyway, and I love the huge game library that came with it too. Not only were there great ports from PS3, but it also had some great exclusives that I still would love to play today years later, if only I hadn't lost mine.


3DS. The 3DS has a library that is growing to be one of the best.. if not THE best right now. So many awesome games are coming out for it that I don't have enough money to get them all!


The 3DS is good enough for me. Nintendo always made pretty good portable consoles, I don't really need anything else.


The original DS is my favorite. The touch screen is really fun plus the games on it are great.
I like the new DS systems, but have never owned one. So to be sure I will just go with the classic GBA. My all time favorite gaming system anyway.


I'm really old school. I still rock the Game Boy Color. Pokemon Red version still gets played from time to time haha


My favorite portable gaming console is Nintendo DSi. I really like the design of it and the games available on it. I also like PSP. It's really nice. I usually played Pokemon on Nintendo DSi and GTA San Andreas on PSP.


In order:

DS - seriously the library is just amazing.
3DS - growing to be good even if the 3D function is worthless also bkwards compatibility makes it awesome.
Vita - I don't care what anyone says Vita's going to be a big star.
PSP - I think I gave it to my kid brother so he'd shut up and leave me alone... it was a good system though.


In order:

DS - seriously the library is just amazing.
3DS - growing to be good even if the 3D function is worthless also bkwards compatibility makes it awesome.
Vita - I don't care what anyone says Vita's going to be a big star.
PSP - I think I gave it to my kid brother so he'd shut up and leave me alone... it was a good system though.
I've played the PSP and DS but not the other two. The only problem I had with the PSP was the sticks to control movement. It seems like a really flimsy playstation controller to me.


I want a 3DS. I have never played on it. But I want to own one :D. Other than that I think Sony PSP is pretty good.


New Member
The 3DS is my portable gaming console of choice. It has amazing hardware specs, and a huge gaming library. Virtual Console games have been added to the eShop which broaden it's gaming library even more. I agree with @Esperahol the 3D effect is not needed, and I would say it's a lame gimmick. The 3DS gaming library is growing even larger, with these games, that are said to be released in 2014: Kirby's Triple Deluxe, Yoshi's New Island, Super Smash Bros. 4, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, Sonic Boom, Monster Hunter 4 and so many more,. It's shaping up to be the ideal portable gaming console because of it's amazing gaming library.


My portable gaming console of choice is PSP or PS Vita, because I played a lot of games on them and I think that they are very good at that (well they were designed for playing games but some of the consoles don't do such a good job at that anyway). You got some awesome games to play on them too so you won't get bored too quickly when playing on these consoles. I like 3DS too, but not so much as PSP or PS Vita.


I have a psp while my husband has a Ps vita. I am going to get myself a ps vita in the future so that I will have my own, but I still love the psp at the moment. I play the ps vita which is pretty cool, so I will be switching over. I have heard some good things about the DS as well, but I think the games on the ps vita are better just my opinion.


If I were to buy one I'd have to go with the Nintendo DS.
I really like Nintendo stuff. Funny graphics and stuff...
And for a console which would be used for travelling mainly, I don't really want to get too much into realistic playing. Just have some laughs, play some games that challenge my brain, and that's enough...


PSP provides the best portable gaming consoles in my opinion. Sony is always finding some way to make the gaming experience much more rewarding. Not that all console makers don't enhance their gaming experience but there is just something really special about Sony. This is my personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
I have a psp while my husband has a Ps vita. I am going to get myself a ps vita in the future so that I will have my own, but I still love the psp at the moment. I play the ps vita which is pretty cool, so I will be switching over. I have heard some good things about the DS as well, but I think the games on the ps vita are better just my opinion.
I like the PSP as well because it has all my favorite games on it. The Vita might have much better graphics, but it's not like the original PSP games' graphics are all that bad. They might have aged a bit but the games are still very playable.
My favorite portable console is the PSP so far, but it's probably because I have owned it the longest. Aside from the fact that it has some very good titles I also have emulators on it, which play GBA and Snes games, so the huge library I have on it make it a great portable console for me.
The Vita is also very good, but I find myself trying to take better care of it since it looks so fragile.


Well-Known Member
My favorite portable console is the PSP so far, but it's probably because I have owned it the longest. Aside from the fact that it has some very good titles I also have emulators on it, which play GBA and Snes games, so the huge library I have on it make it a great portable console for me.
The Vita is also very good, but I find myself trying to take better care of it since it looks so fragile.
Agreed. PSP Was my first brush with emulators as well and it was even the first console I got to play Castlevania SOTN on which I will forever be grateful for. Had it not been for my PSP I Would never have been able to play that game and discover how great it was.