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What's the easiest way to hide from helicopters and get away from them?

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Do they give pain to you too?

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Well! I loved the game.In fact, this is my top favourite game but the only pain to my butt is the helicopters and to be away from them.It really sucks and gives me lot of pain.Could anyone share their story about how they keep distance from helicopters?


Active Member
I agree the helicopters are a pain in the backside and I've found that in the city trying to stay out of their line of sight by dodging between buildings is a good way, although not the easiest. Speed also works but it's also not that easy. The easiest I would say is to get in the subway tunnels, go underground somewhere, or if you can, go underwater.

Interestingly I've also found driving up Mt Chilliad also loses not only the cops but the helicopters pretty quickly. I guess the chopper pilots have not got a head for heights, despite the irony of it! :D


Well I have tried to run away from helicopters like a hundred times and I have reached the objective only once, I do not really know what I did but I started driving all around the city and started to switch between cars, mover from a city to another and stuff like that, I do not really know what I exactly did but you should try doing what I did and see if it works or not, however you could always try to hide underneath bridges and so on.
I just go to my helicopter spot and grab one of my own. I either grab one with rockets and shoot them down or crash into them until they die.


Active Member
Well I have tried to run away from helicopters like a hundred times and I have reached the objective only once, I do not really know what I did but I started driving all around the city and started to switch between cars, mover from a city to another and stuff like that, I do not really know what I exactly did but you should try doing what I did and see if it works or not, however you could always try to hide underneath bridges and so on.

Hiding under bridges is good, up until they start hovering around at the entrances and spot you again. I did this a few times, even with a helicopter under one of those natural coastal archways, but every time the police helicopter starts to hover around the entrance and you're spotted again.


Hiding under bridges is good, up until they start hovering around at the entrances and spot you again. I did this a few times, even with a helicopter under one of those natural coastal archways, but every time the police helicopter starts to hover around the entrance and you're spotted again.

Have you tried hiding on top of the star tower building? I used to hide up there to somehow avoid getting shot by the choppers, try it.


The only way I get away from them if I jump in water and just swim to another area or if I hide in a parking lot. They are usually just sitting there waiting for me so I prefer the water method over anything else.


Well-Known Member
I always just look for a way where they will have a more difficult time finding me like hiding under bridges or in tunnels and sometimes I also try and go to the water and find some hiding spots there until the heat meter runs out.
Going in tight spaces and areas with a roof to protect you from their line of sight, as well as running around before they can spot you. Don't stand still, as they can really fire upon you and would eat up your health really quickly. Also, if all else fails, might as well go down in a blaze of glory. Bring out your guns and start shooting!


I try to go up in the hills area where there are houses built and hide under the awnings of the roof. Remember where Mr. Madrazzo lives? If you go to the back of his house there is an over-hanging panel, find places like that where they can't see you from the air.


Well-Known Member
Shoot it down! It's literally a mosquito.
Is is my favorite option as well although I only ever do it if I'm just having fun and not trying to finish any specific missions because I know if I do this it will just increase my heat level.


Active Member
The different attack helicopters in GTA Online can be a pain in the butt when you're trying to do something yet some player keeps on killing you in it. I have to admit I had a nice little game of cat and mouse at the airport last night. I was on foot, the guy was in a hind like copter and I was ducking and diving while he was trying to machine gun me. Why he didn't just use rockets I don't know, but he eventually got me with the gun. I have to admit it was pretty fun.


Active Member
It's easy to hide from helicopters if you go into crowded places or tunnels, it's hard for them to target you. You can also try swimming but you lose a lot of speed when you do that.


Go to that location where the race "down the drain" takes place. There are a lot of bridges and little holes you can get into it, then all you gotta do is peek around the corner and honing launcher them into oblivion. Try to find cover UNDER something. Most people will just wander around in the middle of the street trying to use their honing launcher and you aren't quick enough. Strategy and stealth any day of the week, my friend.