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What would you change about GTA V?

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Active Member
What would be one thing that you would like to change about GTA V? Be it racing, gameplay, story, characters and so on and so forth I'm really interested to see what the community thinks.
I personally would improve the racing, even though it's not a priority for this game.


Active Member
How would the racing be improved, though? Would you want it to be more realistic? Because then that would change the entire physics engine of the entire game.


Well-Known Member
The game is so robust and detailed that I don't think I would change anything if I could since it might change the feel of the game, although if I had to, I think I would just try and make modding a lot more integrated into consoles.


I would add in more aircraft. That's something that I always feel is missing in GTA's. They never add in enough aircraft or helicopters, when there is a great diversity of vehicles they could put into the game easily.


The only thing I would change about GTA V, is the map. The map is huge and it's great BUT, the biggest drawback is the fact that I can't recognize most of the places. I have played San Andreas for a very long time, for about 5 years non-stop, and on and off every now and then. I know the San Andreas map by heart, I know where everything is. I can imagine going from Los Santos to Las Venturas, to San Fierro and back to Los Santos accurately without even playing the game. It stuck into my mind and I know the map better than I know my hometown. However, GTA V's map wasn't very recognizable to me and they have changed A LOT about it, and that's something that I don't like. I would try to make it resemble San Andreas a little bit more. They even changed the Groove Street, which was VERY important in San Andreas, to the point where you can barely find it, and once you do, many things are not like they were in San Andreas. For example, the CJ's house, YOUR house from GTA: SA is completely different.

Another thing I would change about the map is add in San Fierro and Las Venturas. I can't explain how happy that would make me, since I've played San Andreas for quite a long portion of my life, and that would be like being reborn. Obviously, I doubt that's ever going to happen, and considering the game is 50 GB even without that.
I would completely rework the way GTA Online works. At the current state it's in, the game is broken beyond repair. The public lobbies are filled with hackers, servers are broken, and it doesn't help at all that you have to wait 5 minutes to play a 5 minutes round, and then repeat ad nauseum.

As for GTA V itself, I wouldn't change a thing. I think it's perfect.


I know it's a small thing, but I miss being able to walk into fast food joints like Burger Shot and Cluckin Bell and hear the funny comments by the employees who are just so done with life.
I don't really have any big things that I want to change to GTA at all. I mean, maybe it would be cool to add some more parts to the map. Other than that, I think the game is really awesome at its current time.


Active Member
I would add in more aircraft. That's something that I always feel is missing in GTA's. They never add in enough aircraft or helicopters, when there is a great diversity of vehicles they could put into the game easily.
I think this is something that should be adressed more, but yes, the aircraft seriously needs some additions. It's one of the most important parts in the game that lacks content.


I would create the opportunity for one to become an illegal races driver, something like it was in NFS Carbon, I think it would add the game a plus of dynamism and action.


Active Member
I'd have to add the ability to quickly rob banks but without doing it in a heist way. I recently discovered the few Fleece banks located over the landmass and think Rockstar dropped the ball leaving out the ability to rob them. I explored one and it even has a safe in the back. Imagine being able to blow that open and loot it? You should get something like a 3 to 4 star wanted level but the risk would be more than worth it if you manage to get away.


Nothing big. Just to add some places and add some dating like San Andreas and stuff.
I do kind of miss the dating. I think it would be hilarious to play as Trevor Phillips on a date. After dining on a bowl of stew made from human fingers and ears, they could beat a meth head to death and have sex on top of his body. Trevor is a true romantic.
I don't think I would change, so much as add things to the game. It's already extremely polished and is incredibly fun, but it still doen't meet all the expectations I had when it was announced. That said, I'm not too creative, so I dont know what they could add to improve it.


I don't think I would change, so much as add things to the game. It's already extremely polished and is incredibly fun, but it still doen't meet all the expectations I had when it was announced. That said, I'm not too creative, so I dont know what they could add to improve it.
Wow, what expectations did you have that the game fell short of? I'm just curious, because most people thought GTA V was a huge achievement, so your expectations must have been pretty high.